
Model sinhronskega reluktančnega generatorja z dvojno izraženimi poli
ID HERMAN, ALEKSEJ (Author), ID Makuc, Danilo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V tej diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na analizo reluktančnega generatorja z dvojno izraženimi poli. Čeprav nismo imeli dostopa do fizičnega generatorja, smo s pomočjo programske opreme, kot so FEMM, MatLab, Simulink, Ansys Maxwell 2D in Ansys Simplorer, uspešno simulirali in analizirali različna obratovalna stanja generatorja in dobili karakteristike, ki bi jih na stroju običajno izmerili. Pri analizi modela generatorja v FEMM smo se posvetili reševanju težav z upoštevanjem poševnosti rotorja in ustrezne aproksimacije magnetne krivulje materiala DI-MAX HF-10 ter z magnetostatično analizo izračunali karakteristiko prostega teka. Izvedli smo frekvenčno analizo induciranih napetosti s pomočjo diskretne Fourierove transformacije. Ugotovili smo, da poševnost rotorja pozitivno vpliva na obliko napetosti, zmanjšuje vsebnost višjih harmonikov in posledično faktor celotnega harmonskega popačenja (THD). V nadaljevanju smo izvedli tranzientne analize generatorja v Maxwell 2D, kjer smo ponovno izračunali karakteristiko prostega teka, a tokrat v časovnem prostoru, ter preučili vpliv bremen na delovanje generatorja, tako da smo izračunali zunanje karakteristike generatorja. Izračunali in simulirali smo tudi karakteristiko kratkega stika. V zaključni fazi smo v izračun implementirali PI-regulator za regulacijo napetosti in na ta način dobili še regulirne karakteristike generatorja za različne značaje bremen. Rezultati naše naloge kažejo, da se naš simulacijski model in dobljene karakteristike v veliki meri ujemajo s pričakovanji ter objavljenimi rezultati, kljub nekaterim manjšim odstopanjem. Te analize ponujajo pomembne vpoglede, kako različna bremena vplivajo na delovanje generatorja ter prispevajo k boljšemu razumevanju reluktančnih generatorjev z dvojno izraženimi poli.

Keywords:Reluktančni sinhronski generator, rotacijski stroj z dvojno izraženimi poli, električni generator za visoke hitrosti vrtenja, izračun obratovalnih karakteristik, analiza z metodo končnih elementov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150169 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165341443 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Model of doubly salient synchronous reluctance generator
In this thesis, we focused on the analysis of a reluctance generator with doubly salient poles. Although we did not have access to a physical generator, with the help of software such as FEMM, MatLab, Simulink, Ansys Maxwell 2D, and Ansys Simplorer, we successfully simulated and analyzed various operating states of the generator and obtained characteristics that would typically be measured on the machine. In analyzing the generator model in FEMM, we addressed issues considering the skew of the rotor and the appropriate approximation of the magnetic curve of the DI-MAX HF-10 material. Using magnetostatic analysis, we calculated the no-load characteristic. We performed a frequency analysis of induced voltages using the discrete Fourier transformation. We found that the rotor skew positively affects the voltage waveform, reducing the content of higher harmonics, and consequently, the total harmonic distortion (THD) factor. Subsequently, we performed transient analyses of the generator in Maxwell 2D, where we recalculated the no-load characteristic, but this time in the time domain. We also studied the impact of loads on generator performance, calculating the external characteristics of the generator. We also calculated and simulated the short-circuit characteristic. In the final phase, we implemented a PI-controller for voltage regulation, obtaining regulated characteristics of the generator for various load types. The results of our study show that our simulation model and obtained characteristics largely align with expectations and published results, despite some minor deviations. These analyses offer important insights into how various loads affect the operation of the generator and contribute to a better understanding of reluctance generators with doubly salient poles.

Keywords:Reluctance synchronous generator, rotating machine with doubly salient poles, electric generator for high rotational speeds, calculation of operating characteristics, finite element method analysis

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