
Učinki vadbenega programa na prostem na moč žensk : magistrsko delo
ID Kužnik, Zalka (Author), ID Dolenc, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil preveriti vpliv vadbenega programa na moč pri skupini žensk. Vadba je potekala na prostem, uporabljeni so bili preprosti pripomočki. V raziskavo smo vključili 25 žensk, starih od 18 do 60 let. Vse udeleženke so bile brez posebnih gibalnih težav, ki bi jim onemogočale izvedbo vadbenega programa in testov. Za preverjanje učinkov vadbenega programa smo izbrali 6 testnih nalog: skleco z oporo na kolenih, dvig medenice, zgibe v poševni vesi iz leže na hrbtu, oporo na podlahteh, upogibe trupa in počep. Eksperimentalna skupina s 15 udeleženkami je izvajala šesttedenski program vadbe za moč. Izvedle so dve vadbeni enoti na teden, v katerih je bilo vključenih od 9 do 12 vaj moči za zgornji del telesa, trup in spodnji del telesa. Vse udeleženke so izvedle začetne in končne meritve.Rezultati so pokazali, da so preizkušanke po 6 tednih vadbe izboljšale moč celega telesa.Eksperimentalna skupina je v primerjavi s kontrolno statistično značilno izboljšala rezultat pri testu skleca v opori na kolenih (+110 %, p < 0,001), testu dvig medenice (+25 %, p = 0,004), testu zgibi v poševni vesi (+100 %, p < 0,001), testu opora ležno spredaj na podlahteh (+66 %, p < 0,001), testu upogib trupa (+178 %, p < 0,001) in v testu počep (+75 %, p < 0,001). Po pridobljenih rezultatih smo lahko sprejeli in potrdili naše hipoteze, kjer smo predvidevali, da bo vadbeni program na prostem imel pozitivne učinke na izboljšanje moči žensk. Izsledki magistrskega dela bodo lahko v pomoč ljudem, ki bi radi izboljšali vzdržljivosti v moči celotnega telesa, obenem pa bi si želeli preživeti prosti čas na prostem, v naravi. Vadbeni program je dostopen vsem ljudem, saj se ga lahko z malo domišljije izvede kjer koli na prostem s preprostimi pripomočki okoli sebe.

Keywords:vadba moči, vadbeni program na prostem, preprosti pripomočki, vadba žensk
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150164 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166260227 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of outdoor strength training for women
The aim of this thesis was to examine the effect of an exercise programme on strength in a group of women. The exercise was performed outdoors using simple equipment. The study included 25 women aged 18 to 60 years. All participants had no specific mobility problems that would have prevented them from completing the exercise programme and tests. To test the effects of the exercise programme, we selected 6 test tasks: knee push-ups, pelvic raises, inverted row/pull up, plank, crunches and squats. An experimental group of 15 female participants completed a six-week strength training programme. They performed two training sessions per week, which included 9 to 12 strength exercises for upper body, torso and lower body. All participants took baseline and final measurements. The results showed that after 6 weeks of exercise, the subjects improved their whole-body strength. The experimental group showed statistically significant improvements compared to the control group in the knee push up test (+110 %, p < 0.001), the pelvic lift test (+25 %, p = 0, 004), the inverted row/push up test (+100 %, p < 0.001), the plank (+66 %, p < 0.001), the crunches (+178 %, p < 0.001) and the squat test (+75 %, p < 0.001). The results obtained allowed us to accept and confirm our hypotheses, where we hypothesised that an outdoor exercise programme would have positive effects on improving strength in women. The findings of the master thesis may be helpful to people who would like to improve their endurance in whole body strength at the same time as they would like to spend their free time outdoors, in nature. The exercise programme is accessible to all people as it can be done with a little imagination, anywhere outdoors with simple tools around you.

Keywords:strength training, outdoor exercise programme, simple equipment, womens exercise

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