
Raziskovanje pristopov k zoološki ilustraciji skozi motiv parazita
ID Turičnik, Ana (Author), ID Nabernik, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kateri pristop k zoološki ilustraciji je najbolj uporaben, katere so prednosti in slabosti vsakega ter ali je delo po opisu dandanes veljaven pristop. Želim ugotoviti, ali je možno ustvariti kvalitetno ilustracijo živali zgolj s pomočjo fotografije ali opisa ali živega ali mrtvega primerka skozi motiv parazita in njegovih gostiteljev. V raziskovalnem delu analiziram in primerjam literaturo o vsakem pristopu, na koncu pa še dodam svoje izkušnje z omenjenimi pristopi iz praktičnega dela. Poleg raziskovanja teoretskih vidikov znanstvene ilustracije sem intervjuvala ilustratorko na področju zoologije in paleontologije Mašo P. Žmitek ter zbrala še njene izkušnje in pristop do zoološke ilustracije. V praktičnem delu ilustriram morfologijo in življenje parazita Dicrocoelium dentriticum. Končna publikacija je v obliki manjše knjige z mehkimi platnicami, namenjena Veterinarski fakulteti UL kot učni pripomoček.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, znanstvena ilustracija, forme znanstvene ilustracije, ilustriranje parazita, dicrocoelium dentriticum, publikacija, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150156 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2023
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Title:Exploring approaches to zoological illustration throught the motif of a parasite
The purpose of this thesis is to determine which approach to zoological illustration is most useful, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each, and whether working by description is a valid approach today. I want to find out whether it is possible to produce a good quality illustration of an animal using only a photograph or a description, or a live or dead specimen, through the motif of a parasite and its hosts. In the research part I analyse and compare the literature on each approach, and at the end I add my experience with these approaches from practical work. In addition to exploring the theoretical aspects of scientific illustration, I interviewed a zoological and palaeontological illustrator, Masha P. Žmitek, and collected her experiences and approach to zoological illustration. In the practical part I illustrate the morphology and life of the parasite Dicrocoelium dentriticum. The final publication is in the form of a small paperback book, intended for the Veterinary Faculty of UL as a teaching tool.

Keywords:visual comunication, scientific illustration, zoological illustration, forms of scientific illustration, illustrating a parasite, dicrocoelium dentriticum, publication

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