
Primerjava kakovosti slikovnih ultrazvočnih aparatov z uporabo fantoma : diplomsko delo
ID Senekovič, Taja (Author), ID Šalinović, Ana Kristina (Author), ID Žibert, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Fošnarič, Miha (Comentor), ID Alukić, Erna (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Visokofrekvenčno zvočno valovanje, ki se lahko uporablja za prikazovanje telesnih organov, se imenuje ultrazvok. Je zvok s frekvenco nad 20.000 Hz. Ultrazvočni snop je zmožen potovati skozi telesna tkiva in omogoča prikazovanje uporabnih slik z relativno preprostimi tehnikami. Uporablja se kot ena najpogostejših slikovnih metod v medicinski diagnostiki. Spada med slikovne tehnike, kjer operater sondo drži v stiku s pacientom. Med uporabo UZ naprav je potrebno zagotavljati pravilno delovanje diagnostičnega sistema, da izključimo možnosti mehanskih ali termičnih poškodb in omejimo tveganje za napačno diagnozo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je na ultrazvočnem fantomu in ob uporabi različnih monitorjev raziskati razlike v kakovosti slik pridobljenih z različnimi diagnostičnimi ultrazvočnimi napravami. Uporabili smo dve ultrazvočni napravi in sicer Sonoscape E2 in iViz wireless ali žepni brezžični ultrazvok. Slike smo naredili na fantomu Multi-Purpose, Multi-Tissue Ultrasound Phantom model 040GSE. Za pregled slik smo uporabili diagnostični in navadni monitor. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo se poslužili opisne metode, in sicer s pregledom tuje in domače literature. Vključili smo članke, ki opisujejo kontrolo kakovosti ultrazvočnih naprav, ultrazvočne aparate, fantome in njihove značilnosti. Na podlagi ugotovitev pregleda literature smo na Zdravstveni fakulteti izvedli še eksperimentalni del. Na koncu smo ocenili ultrazvočne slike, ki jih smo jih naredili z obema ultrazvokoma in jih pregledali na diagnostičnem monitorju znamke BARCO ter navadnem monitorju. Postopek testiranja je vseboval tri različne teste, in sicer test homogenosti, prostorske ter kontrastne ločljivosti. Rezultati: Na podlagi rezultatov je razvidno, da je pri primerjavi monitorjev pri testu kontrastne ločljivosti statistično pomembna razlika med njima, pri ostalih dveh testih te ni. Medtem, ko je pri primerjavi ultrazvokov bilo tako, da so ocenjevalci nekoliko boljše ocenili homogenost Fuji ultrazvoka kot Sonoscape E2. Enako je bilo pri testu kontrastne ločljivosti. Prostorsko ločljivost so ocenili bolje pri Sonoscape ultrazvoku. Statistično značilne razlike med ultrazvokoma pri testu homogenosti in kontrastne ločljivosti ni bilo. Fujifilm in Sonoscape E2 ultrazvok se statistično značilno razlikujeta v prostorski ločljivosti Razprava in zaključek: Našega diplomskega dela smo se lotili z namenom, da ugotovimo, kateri ultrazvok ima boljšo kakovost slike in na katerem monitorju se določeni testi kontrole kvalitete boljše vidijo. Rezultati so pričakovani, saj se v ultrazvočni diagnostiki diagnostični monitorji ne uporabljajo, saj je vidljivost zahtevanega dovolj dobra že na navadnem monitorju. Glede primerjave obeh monitorjev samo z našo anketo prišli do zaključka, da pri testu kontrastne ločljivosti obstaja statistično pomembna razlika med njima, pri ostalih dveh testih pa ne. Pri primerjavi ultrazvokov je naša ugotovitev, da se Fujifilm in Sonoscape E2 ultrazvok statistično značilno razlikujeta le pri pregledu slik testa prostorske ločljivosti. Pri ostalih dveh testih pa ta razlika ni statistično značilna.

Keywords:diplomska dela, radiološka tehnologija, ultrazvok, fantom, kontrola kvalitete, primerjava, test homogenosti, test prostorske ločljivosti, test kontrastne ločljivosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Senekovič : A. K. Šalinović]
Number of pages:27 str., [19] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150122 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164415235 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of the quality of imaging ultrasound devices using a phantom : diploma work
Introduction: High-frequency sound waves that can be used to image the body's organs are called ultrasound. It is sound with a frequency above 20,000 Hz. Ultrasound is capable of travelling through body tissues and allows useful images to be displayed using relatively simple techniques. It is used as one of the most common imaging methods in medical diagnostics. It is one of the imaging techniques where the operator holds the probe in contact with the patient. During the use of ultrasound devices, it is necessary to ensure the correct functioning of the diagnostic system in order to exlude the possibility of mechanical or thermal damage and to limit the risk of wrong diagnosis. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to investigate the differences in the quality of the images obtained with different diagnostic ultrasound devices on an ultrasound phantom and using different monitors. We used two ultrasound devices, namely Sonoscape E2 in iViz wireless or pocket wireless ultrasound. The images were taken on a Multi-Purpose, Multi-Tissue Ultrasound Phantom model 040GSE. We used a diagnostic monitor and a conventional monitor to review the images. Methods: We included articles describing quality control of ultrasound devices, ultrasound machines, phantoms and their characteristics. Based on the findings of the literature review, an experimental part was carried out at the Faculty of Medicine. Finally, we evaluated the ultrasound images taken with the two ultrasound machines and reviewed them on a BARCO diagnostic monitor and a conventional monitor. The testing procedure consisted of three different tests, namely homogeneity, spatial resolution and contrast resolution. Results: While in the comparison of ultrasounds it was the case that the evaluators rated the homogeneity of the Fuji ultrasound slightly better than that of the Sonoscape E2. The same was true for the contrast resolution test. Spatial resolution was rated better for the Sonoscape ultrasound. There was no statistically significant difference between the two ultrasounds in the homogeneity and contrast resolution tests. The Fujifilm and Sonoscape E2 ultrasound were statistically significantly different in spatial resolution. Discussion and conclusion: We set out in our thesis to find out which ultrasound has better image quality and on which monitor certain quality control tests are better seen. The results are expected, as diagnostic monitors are not used in ultrasound diagnostics, as the visibility of what is required is already good enough on an ordinary monitor. Comparing the two monitors, only our survey concluded that there is a statistically significant difference between the two monitors for the contrast resolution test, but not for the other two tests. When comparing the ultrasounds, our conclusion was that the Fujifilm and Sonoscape E2 ultrasound are statistically significantly different only when looking at the images of the spatial resolution test. For the other two tests, the difference is not statistically significant.

Keywords:diploma theses, radiologic technology, ultrasound, phantom, quality control, comparison, homogeneity test, spatial resolution test, contrast resolution test

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