Introduction: Pelvic organ prolapse has a great impact on the quality of life of women, as
it can represent psychological stress and affects their self-image and sexual function.
Purpose: In the diploma work we presented the causes and consequences of prolapse and
investigate its impact on the quality of women's lives, especially the psychosocial state, and
the role of the nurse in the treatment of women with such problems. Methods: We used a
descriptive method of work by reviewing scientific and professional literature in Slovene
and English. We acquired the literature with the use of Medline (PubMed), CINAHL and
Cochrane Library databases. Articles used in the analysis were published between 2013 and
2022. For the search, we used the following terms: zdrs medeničnih organov IN
preventiva/pelvic organ prolapse AND prevention, zdrs medeničnih organov IN kakovost
življenja/pelvic organ prolapse AND quality of life, zdrs medeničnih organov IN spolna
funkcija/pelvic organ prolapse AND sexual function, zdrs medeničnih organov IN spolno
zdravje/pelvic organ prolapse AND sexual health, zdrs medeničnih organov IN
samopodoba/pelvic organ prolapse AND body image, zdrs medeničnih organov IN vloga
medicinske sestre/pelvic organ prolapse AND nurse role.. Results: The results show that the
most effective ways of preventing pelvic organ prolapse include a healthy lifestyle, a
balanced diet, regular physical exercise and pelvic floor muscles exercise, quitting smoking
and managing chronic cough. Prolapse affects the quality of life, as it makes it difficult to
carry out daily activities and participate in public life, affects self-image, self-confidence and
sexual and mental health. Stigma, associated with prolapse, can cause embarrassment,
isolation and delay in seeking of medical attention. The nurse works in a multidisciplinary
team, participates in the initial discussions, empowers women for active participation,
provides a safe environment for open conversation, takes care of health promotion,
prevention and quality health care through research and education. Discussion and
conclusion: Prevention is key to maintaining a healthy pelvic floor and organs and
improving the quality of life in women, as prolapse affects their self-image, self-confidence,
sexual function and general feeling. The nurse can contribute a lot in preventive activities,
diagnostic procedures and treatment, learning and promotion and public awareness. It
provides a safe environment for women, encourages them to have open conversations and
advocates for satisfying their needs and desires.