
Razvoj spletne aplikacije prioritiziranega modela spletnega naročanja na storitev
ID MUJAGIĆ, NERMIN (Author), ID Sadikov, Aleksander (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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okviru diplomske naloge je razvit inovativen pristop do organizacije in naročevanja strank na storitev. Tu smo se osredotočili na konkreten primer frizerja, ki obratuje v krajšem delovnem času in sicer povprečno dva ali tri dni tedensko. Njegov problem je, da ima zelo veliko povpraševanje in lahko zajame le delno množico vseh morebitnih strank. Predpostavljen je model, ki daje prednost najbolj rednim strankam kot zahvalo za visoko frekvenco obiskov. Za to poskrbi sistem naročevanja, kjer stranke tekmujejo za pridobitev termina. Naročanje poteka tako, da ima vsak možnost označiti vse termine, katere lahko obišče v tednu. Na dan ko frizer obratuje se sprejem zapre in sistem preračuna prioriteto vseh prijavljenih na termine. Po kriteriju prioritete se zgenerira več različic urnika, v katerih so naročene stranke na posamezne termine. Z uvedbo tega sistema se frizer lahko posveti kakovostnejšemu delu, namesto da bi porabil veliko časa za selekcijo in organizacijo strank.

Keywords:storitveno naročanje, priotiteta, dinamično razporejanje, modeliranje na podlagi omejitev
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150084 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168009987 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a priority based appointment booking web app
Within the scope of the diploma thesis, an innovative approach to customer organization and service ordering is developed. We focused on a specific case of a hairdresser who operates on a limited working schedule, on average two or three days per week. The hairdresser faces the challenge of high demand and can only accommodate a partial subset of all potential customers. A prioritized model is proposed, giving preference to the most regular customers as a reward for their high visit frequency. This is achieved through an appointment system where customers compete to secure a time slot. The ordering process allows each customer to indicate all available time slots they can attend during the week. At the start of the working day, the appointment submission is closed, and the system calculates the priority of all the applicants for each time slot. Multiple schedule versions are generated based on the priority criteria, allocating customers to specific time slots. By implementing this system, the hairdresser can focus on delivering higher-quality services instead of spending significant time on customer selection and organization.

Keywords:service appointment, priority, dynamic scheduling, constraint based modelling

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