
Svetlobna pregradna stena
ID Šantej, Nika (Author), ID Pak, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kuhar, Rok (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo se na podlagi raziskovanja oblikovanja prostora v povezavi s svetlobo in steklom, ukvarja z oblikovanjem svetlobne pregradne stene. V prvem oz. teoretičnem delu obravnavam, kje v bivanjskem prostoru uporabljamo steklo ter opisujem vrste stekla, ki jih uporabljamo v notranji arhitekturi; to so okensko steklo, laminirano in kaljeno steklo ter ogledala. Nato opredeljujem relacijo steklo – svetloba – prostor in njeno aplikacijo razlagam na arhitekturnih primerih. To so: tempelj Amon-Ra v Karnaku, Panteon, katedrala Saint-Denise, hiša Fransworth in kapela Ronchamp. V nadaljevanju obravnavam dela referenčnih avtorjev, na podlagi katerih sem črpala navdih za realizacijo praktičnega dela. V drugem delu sprva opredeljujem cilje, ki jih želim prenesti v končen produkt. Nato se posvečam iskanju navdiha, ki ga najdem v krivuljah, prisotnih v naravi, ter skozi skice in izdelavo maket iščem formo, ki bi celostno zaobjela moje razmišljanje in raziskave. Proces načrtovanja pregradne stene me vodi skozi novo znanje o 3D-modeliranju, 3D-skeniranju in 3D-tisku, s pomočjo katerih izdelujem makete. Pregradna stena je razdeljena na dva dela, prvi del so stekleni paneli, ki predstavljajo unikaten del pregradne stene. Drugi del pa je sistem modularnih držal za steklene panele, z vključenim virom umetne svetlobe, ki predstavlja industrijski del. Pregradna stena zaradi svoje velikosti ostane prikazana zgolj v maketah. Prva prikazuje celoto in je prikazana v velikosti 1 : 6, druga pa je zasnovana v naravni velikosti in prikazuje zgolj delovanje držal za pregradno steno.

Keywords:unikatno oblikovanje steklo pregradna stena svetloba prostor valovanje diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:AG - Academy of Music
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150054 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2023
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Title:Room divider with light
Based on research into the field of space design in connection with light and glass, the diploma thesis deals with the design of a room divider with light. In the first, theoretical part, I discuss where we use glass and describe the types of glass used in interior architecture; these are window glass, laminated, tempered glass and mirrors. Then I define the relation glass - light - space and explain its application on architectural examples. These are the Temple of Amun-Ra in Karnak, the Pantheon, the Cathedral of Saint-Denise, Fransworth House and the Ronchamp Chapel. In the following, I discuss the works of reference authors, on the basis of which I drew inspiration for the realization of the practical work. In the second part, I initially define the goals that I want to translate into the final product. Then I dedicate myself to finding inspiration in the curves that are present in nature. Through sketches and making models I look for a form that would encompass the entirety of my thinking and research. The very process of planning room divider leads me through new knowledge about 3D-modeling, 3D-scanning and 3D-printing, with the help of which I make models. The partition wall is divided into two parts, the first part are glass panels, which represent a unique part of the room divider. The second is a system of modular holders for glass panels, with an included artificial light source, representing an industrial part. Due to its size, the partition wall is only shown in scale models. The first one shows the whole room divider and is shown in 1 : 6 scale, while the second is designed in life size and shows only the function of holders for glass panels.

Keywords:applied arts glass room divider light space wave BA thesis

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