
Povezanost med dimenzijami ljubezni in blagostanjem v partnerskih odnosih : magistrsko delo
ID Juren, Miha (Author), ID Poljak Lukek, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti povezanost med posameznimi dimenzijami ljubezni in psihološkim blagostanjem ter določenimi demografskimi podatki. Za namene raziskave je bila uporabljena Sternbergova trikotna lestvica ljubezni (STLS) in lestvica psihološkega blagostanja (PWBS). STLS (Sternberg 1986, 119) temelji na trikotni teoriji ljubezni in določa tri dimenzije: strast, intimo in predanost, pri čemer njegova lestvica meri vsako od treh dimenzij. PWBS je zasnovala Carol D. Ryff (1989) in meri šest dimenzij blagostanja: osebno rast, avtonomijo, samosprejemanje, smisel bivanja, obvladovanje okolja in pozitivnost odnosa z drugimi. Za namene naše raziskave so bile uporabljene štiri od šestih dimenzij (avtonomijo, samosprejemanje, obvladovanje okolja in smisel bivanja). V raziskavi je sodelovalo 155 udeležencev, od tega 23˙2% moških in 76˙8% žensk, starih 18 do 77 let. Poleg omenjenih vprašalnikov so bili anketiranci povprašani še po spolu, starosti, trajanju razmerja, načinu bivanja in zakonskem stanu. V raziskavo so bili zajeti le posamezniki, ki so bili v partnerskem razmerju. V raziskavi je bila ugotovljena statistično pomembna povezava med intimo (STLS) in vsemi dimenzijami blagostanja, razen avtonomijo; poleg tega tudi statistično pomembna povezanost med strastjo (STLS) in samosprejemanjem (PWBS). Prav tako je bila ugotovljena statistično pomembna razlika med spoloma, glede na dimenzijo smisla bivanja, in razlika med poročenimi in neporočenimi pari, glede na občutek obvladovanja okolja. Rezultati tako nakazujejo na vsaj delno povezanost med izraženostjo posameznih dimenzij ljubezni in pozitivnim blagostanjem posameznika, pri čemer naj bi imela glede na podatke precejšnjo vlogo predvsem intima. Raziskava ponuja vpogled v povezanosti med dimenzijami blagostanja in ljubezni, in s tem boljše razumevanje medosebnih odnosov in dejavnikov, ki prispevajo k njihovi kvaliteti.

Keywords:ljubezen, STLS, strast, intima, predanost, psihološko blagostanje, PWBS, starost, zakonski stan
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Juren]
Number of pages:VI, 73 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150046 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165862659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The correlation between the dimensions of love and well-being in partner relationships
The purpose of the research was to determine the relationship between love and psychological well-being and certain demographic data. For the purposes of the research, we used the Sternberg Triangular Love Scale (STLS), and Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWBS). STLS is based on Sternberg's triangular theory of love (Sternberg 1986, 119) and proposes three dimensions of love: intimacy, passion and commitment. STLS measures those three dimensions, respectively. PWB is, according to Carol D. Ryff (1989), composed of six dimension: personal growth, autonomy, environmental mastery, self-acceptance, purpose in life, and positive relations with others. For the puposes of research four of total six dimensions were used (autonomy, environmental mastery, self-acceptance, and purpose in life). In the research, 155 participants took part, of which 23˙2% were men and 76˙8% were women, aged 18 to 77. In addition to the aforementioned questionnaires, the respondents were also asked about their gender, age, relationship duration, cohabiting and marital status. Only persons in active relationship were included in the study. The research found a statistically significant relationship between intimacy (STLS) and all dimensions of well-being, except autonomy, as well as a statistically significant relationship between passion (STLS) and self-acceptance (PWBS). A statistically significant difference between the sexes was also found in the dimension of the purpose in life, and; the difference between married and unmarried couples in terms of environmental mastery. The results indicate at least a partial connection between the expression of the individual dimensions of love and the positive well-being of the individual, whereby, according to the data, intimacy in particular plays a significant role. Furthermore, the differences between certain groups indicate a certain dependence of the individual's well-being and the expression of love on the living conditions and characteristics of the relationship of certain individual, whereby gender, marital status and age suggest the greatest connections. The research offers an insight into the correlation between the dimensions of well-being and love, and thus a better understanding of the interpersonal relationship, and factors, that contribute to their quality.

Keywords:love, STLS, passion, intimacy, commitment, psychological well-being, PWBS, age, marrital status, cohabitation status

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