
Marketing luksuznih blagovnih znamk na Instagramu : diplomsko delo
ID Omejec, Lana (Author), ID Burger, Anže (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Luksuz oziroma izdelki in storitve luksuznih blagovnih znamk predstavljajo nekaj, kar presega zgolj zadovoljevanje nujnih in vsakdanjih potreb povprečnega človeka. Luksuzne blagovne znamke imajo visoke cene, tako da so dostopne posameznikom z višjimi prihodki, odlikujejo pa jih tudi visoka kakovost, neobičajna estetika, ekskluzivnost, drugačno marketinško komuniciranje in poti. Organizacije, ki imajo v lasti luksuzne blagovne znamke, so vedno v dilemi, kako povečati prodajo, ohranjati svojo vrednost, konkurenčnost in drugačnost. Družbena omrežja dandanes predstavljajo del oglaševanja, ki je pomembno vplival na marketinške prakse in strategije luksuznih blagovnih znamk. S prihodom interneta in družbenih medijev se je komunikacija razvila iz množičnega modela, pri katerem potrošnik nima nobene vloge v proizvodnji, do prilagojenega modela s potrošnikom kot osrednjo točko. Kljub temu da so bile luksuzne blagove znamke na začetku skeptične o uporabi družbenih omrežij v njihovih marketinških strategijah, so te danes eden izmed osrednjih orodij za grajenje in vzdrževanje odnosov s strankami.

Keywords:družbena omrežja, luksuz, blagovna znamka, Instagram
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:L. Omejec
Number of pages:61 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150032 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164544771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Marketing of luxury brands on Instagram
Luxury, or the products and services of luxury brands, represent something that goes beyond simply meeting the urgent and everyday needs of the average person. Luxury brands have high prices so that they are accessible to individuals with higher incomes, but they are also characterized by high quality, unusual aesthetics, exclusivity, different marketing communication and channels. Organizations that own luxury brands are always in a dilemma of how to increase sales, maintain their value, competitiveness and difference. Nowadays, social media represent a part of advertising that has significantly influenced the marketing practices and strategies of luxury brands. With the advent of the Internet and social media, communication has evolved from a mass model where the consumer has no role in production to a personalized model with the consumer as the main point. Despite the fact that luxury brands were initially skeptical about the use of social networks in their marketing strategies, they are now one of the central tools for building and maintaining relationships with customers.

Keywords:social media, luxury, brands, Instagram

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