
Uporaba transgenih rastlin za sintezo monoklonskih protiteles za zdravljenje nalezljivih in avtoimunskih bolezni
ID Tori, Kaja (Author), ID Luthar, Zlata (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Monoklonska protitelesa se zaradi visoke specifičnosti uporabljajo za zdravljenje nalezljivih in avtoimunskih bolezni. Njihovo pridobivanje s pomočjo komercialnih bakterijskih in glivnih sistemov ne more slediti pridobivanju ustrezne količine terapevtskih beljakovin, poleg tega lahko tako pridobljene beljakovine izzovejo neželen imunski odziv. Dobra alternativa so rastlinski ekspresijski sistemi, ki s številnimi prednostmi ponujajo možnost stroškovno ugodnejšega, učinkovitejšega in varnejšega pridobivanja terapevtskih beljakovin. V primeru večjega povpraševanja je možno rastlinsko pridelavo enostavno povečati. Zaradi velikih stroškov epidemij in pandemij na zdravstvo in gospodarstvo držav je večje zanimanje usmerjeno na področje nalezljivih bolezni. Masovno cepljenje s pomočjo uživanja transgenih rastlin omogoča hitro imunizacijo in preprečevanje širjenja bolezni. Poleg izbruhov nalezljivih bolezni se je v zadnjih letih povečalo tudi število obolelih za avtoimunskimi boleznimi. Učinkovitih zdravil zanje ni, obstajajo le zdravila za lajšanje simptomov. V rastlinah izražena monoklonska protitelesa bi zaradi svoje visoke specifičnosti in ustrezne glikoforme omogočala tudi učinkovito zdravljenje avtoimunskih bolezni. Vendar sama kompleksnost avtoimunskih bolezni, neznani vzroki zanje in nepripravljenost farmacevtske industrije za prehod na rastlinske proizvodne sisteme nekoliko otežujejo proučevanja in podporo novim raziskavam. K temu doprinesejo tudi pomisleki javnosti glede gensko spremenjenih rastlin in izzivi na področju izolacije in nadaljnje obdelave rekombinantnih proteinov. Izzivi se uspešno rešujejo, kar potrjuje vedno več uspešnih primerov in tudi aplikacij.

Keywords:transgene rastline, monoklonska protitelesa, zdravljenje, avtoimunske bolezni, nalezljive bolezni
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150009 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164622595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Use of transgenic plants for the synthesis of monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of infectious and autoimmune diseases
Monoclonal antibodies are used to treat infectious and autoimmune diseases due to their high specificity. Their production by commercial bacterial and fungal systems cannot keep pace with the production of adequate quantities of therapeutic proteins, and the proteins produced in this way may provoke an unwanted immune response. Plant expression systems are a good alternative, with many advantages that offer the possibility of obtaining therapeutic proteins more cost-effectively, efficiently and safely. If demand increases, crop production can easily be increased. The high cost of epidemics and pandemic on countries’ health systems and economies has led to increased interest in the field of infectious diseases. Mass vaccination through the consumption of transgenic plants allows rapid immunisation and prevents the spread of disease. In addition to outbreaks of infectious diseases, the number of people suffering from autoimmune diseases has increased in recent years. There are no effective cures for them, only medicines to relieve the symptoms. Plant-expressed monoclonal antibodies would also allow for effective treatment of autoimmune diseases due to their high specificity and appropriate glycoform. However, the sheer complexity of autoimmune diseases, their unknown causes and the unwillingness of the pharmaceutical industry to switch to plant-based production systems make it somewhat difficult to study and support new research. Public concerns about genetically modified plants and the challenges in isolating and further processing recombinant proteins also contribute to this. Challenges are being tackled successfully as evidenced by a growing number of successful cases and applications.

Keywords:transgenic plants, monoclonal antibodies, treatment, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases

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