
Sistem za pomoč slepim in slabovidnim z uporabo video kamere
ID ZUPAN, KRIŠTOF (Author), ID Pogačnik, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je predstavljen proces realizacije sistema za pomoč slepim in slabovidnim z uporabo video kamere, zvočnika ter programske opreme v jeziku Python. Uvodoma so obravnavani izzivi s katerimi se srečujejo slepi in slabovidni v vsakodnevnem življenju. Glede na obravnavane izzive je določeno, da bo glavni poudarek praktičnega dela prepoznavanje besedila in zaznavanje človeških obrazov. V delu je najprej predstavljena zgodovina tehnoloških rešitev, nato je narejen pregled asistenčnih rešitev, dostopnih na trgu, analiza teh pripomočkov ter ocena njihovih pozitivnih in negativnih lastnosti. Na podlagi rezultatov analize je določeno, da bo rešitev narejena za slovenski jezik, ker je sicer večina analiziranih pripomočkov osredotočena na večje jezikovne skupnosti. Nadalje so opisane ter predstavljene uporabljene tehnologije, ki so potrebne za implementacijo sistema. Na osnovi izsledkov so bili določeni cilji za izdelavo prototipnega sistema. Prvi funkcionalni sklop s pomočjo video kamere zazna ter prepozna različne obraze, ki so v vidnem polju kamere. Uporabniku sporoči kdo so in kje se nahajajo zaznane osebe. Drugi funkcionalni sklop uporabniku prebere slovensko tekstovno besedilo, ki je v vidnem polju kamere, hkrati pa uporabnika vodi pri usmerjanju kamere. Na koncu je sistem testiran in podana je evalvacija končne rešitve.

Keywords:dostopnost, računalniški vid, optično prepoznavanje znakov, detekcija objektov, Python, slepota
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150004 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165280259 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:A video camera based system designed to aid individuals with visual impairments
The diploma thesis presents the process of implementing a system to assist the blind and visually impaired using a video camera, speakers, and Python software. Initially, the daily challenges faced by the blind and visually impaired are discussed. Based on these challenges, it is determined that the main emphasis of the practical work will be text recognition and human face detection. The paper begins by presenting the history of technological solutions, followed by an overview of assistive solutions available on the market. An analysis of these tools is given, and an assessment of their positive and negative attributes is presented. Based on the results of the analysis, it is determined that the solution will be developed for the Slovenian language, as most of the analysed tools are focused on larger linguistic communities. The technologies used and necessary for the system’s implementation are then described and presented. Based on the findings, goals were set for the development of a prototype system. The first functional part uses the video camera to detect and recognize various faces in the camera’s field of view. It informs the user about who and where the detected persons are located. The second functional part reads Slovenian text in the camera’s view, moreover it guides the user on how to direct the camera. In the end the system is tested, and an evaluation of the final solution is provided.

Keywords:accessibility, computer vision, optical character recognition, object detection, Python, blindness

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