
Digitalizacija plačevanja turistične takse
ID JAN STREHOVEC, MIHA (Author), ID Bešter, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mali, Luka (Comentor)

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V sklopu diplomske naloge smo želeli prikazati pomembnost in učinkovitost digitalizacije, zato smo se lotili izziva digitalizacije plačevanja turistične takse. S pomočjo teorije o digitalni preobrazbi, analize trga in dobrega razumevanja problema nam je uspelo premagati izziv. Izdelali smo spletno aplikacijo v obliki programske opreme kot storitve s pomočjo različnih tehnologij. Na začetku smo se poglobili v teorijo digitalne preobrazbe, kjer smo se seznanili z osnovnima gradnikoma digitalizacija in digitizacija ter kakšen je sam proces digitalne preobrazbe. Primerjali smo njene prednosti in slabosti, kjer smo ugotovili, da z uspešno preobrazbo lahko podjetja povečajo svoj dobiček, ustvarijo boljši odnos s strankami in postanejo bolj agilni. S tem se postavijo na vrh industrije in lahko določajo nove standarde in vodijo napredek. Da podjetja pridejo do te točke, morajo vložiti veliko truda in se prebiti skozi slabosti digitalne preobrazbe, ki je lahko zelo kompleksna (predvsem pri večjih podjetjih) in z njo pridejo visoki izdatki. Prav tako je njena uspešnost odvisna od digitalne pismenosti zaposlenih in predvsem strank, zato to ni nujno najboljša pot za vsa podjetja. Spoznali smo tudi tehnologijo, ki omogočajo digitalno preobrazbo, glavne od teh so računalništvo v oblaku, mobilna tehnologija in vmesniki za programiranje aplikacij (API). Naštete tehnologije smo nato tudi uporabili pri razvoju naše rešitve. Za lažjo predstavo smo raziskali najbolj znane primere digitalne preobrazbe, med katerimi je izstopalo podjetje Adobe, ki je s spremembo na naročniški poslovni model postavil standard za programsko opremo kot storitev. Po teoretičnem uvodu v koncept digitalne preobrazbe smo se lotili zastavljenega problema digitalizacije plačevanja turistične takse. Začeli smo z analizo obstoječih rešitev, kjer smo s pomočjo Porterjevega modela analizirali konkurenco v panogi. Tukaj smo ugotovili, da je panoga turizma v Sloveniji (v katero spada naša rešitev) po statističnih podatkih rastoča, kar pomeni, da je prostor za našo rešitev. Poleg tega smo ugotovili, da smo izpostavljeni nevarnosti vstopa novih podjetij, predvsem tistih, ki so že priznana na tem področju ( Nato smo se lotili identifikacije konkurence, kjer smo našli dve podjetji, SnapGuest, ki predstavlja našo popolno konkurenco, in Bentral, ki spada pod nepopolno. Obe rešitvi, vključno z našo, smo nato analizirali s pomočjo PSPN metode. Rezultat analize je pokazal, da je prednost naše rešitve preprostost in dostopnost. Naša glavna prednost je predvsem popolna avtomatizacija plačevanja turistične takse in prijavljanja gostov, saj pri naši rešitvi to naredi gost sam. Seveda imamo tudi nekaj slabosti, kot sta pomanjkanje mobilne aplikacije in predvsem možnost slikanja dokumenta. Po opravljeni analizi smo se lotili priprave izdelave spletne aplikacije, kjer smo strogo definirali problem, ki ga skušamo rešiti, in na podlagi tega določili našo ciljno skupino. S pridobljenim razumevanjem naše ciljne skupine smo se lotili oblikovanja uporabniškega vmesnika. Najprej smo izdelali žični okvir, pri katerem smo postavili osnovne elemente in določili grobo podobo naše aplikacije. Na podlagi žičnega okvirja smo se lotili oblikovanja uporabniškega vmesnika. Odločili smo se, da bo glavna barva naše aplikacije rumena, saj ta spominja na turizem. Da bo le-ta čim bolj prijazna uporabniku, smo se odločili za bolj okrogle elemente ter tudi za pisavo v podobnem stilu. Tako žični okvir kot tudi uporabniški vmesnik smo oblikovali v programu Figma. Nato smo se lotili izbire tehnologij za realizacijo spletne aplikacije. Ločili smo jih na tri dele, prednji del (ang. front-end), zadnji del (ang. back-end) in plačevanje. V prvega spadajo tehnologije za izdelavo vizualne podobe aplikacije in po pregledu smo izbrali ogrodje React s TypeScript različico JavaScripta skupaj s PrimeReact, PrimeFlex in Formik knjižnicami za obrazce in določanje podobe. V sklopu zadnjega dela smo definirali tehnologije, ki jih potrebujemo za samo delovanje spletne aplikacije. Za upodabljanje na strani strežnika smo izbrali Next.js in za shranjevanje podatkov podatkovno bazo Firestore ponudnika Firebase, ki jih nato pošiljamo na storitev AJPES s pomočjo SOAP protokola. Spletno aplikacijo pa gostujemo na storitvi Vercel. Ostalo je še plačevanje, za katerega smo uporabili storitev Stripe, ki ponuja lahko implementacijo. Vse izbrane tehnologije so v našem obsegu brezplačne, vendar ponujajo možnost razširjanja. Naslednji korak je bila sama izdelava spletne aplikacije, kjer smo najprej definirali strukturo map in datotek. Sledi sama izdelava aplikacije, kjer smo opisali postopek izdelave posameznih strani in komponent skupaj z izseki kode. Ko smo izdelali vizualni del aplikacije, smo se lotili izdelave logike, kjer smo poskrbeli za shranjevanje podatkov v podatkovni bazi, plačevanje s sistemom Stripe, pošiljanje podatkov o gostih na storitev AJPES in gostovanje spletne aplikacije. Na koncu poglavja smo se postavili v kožo gosta turistične nastanitve, ki uporablja našo aplikacijo za prijavo in tako predstavili njen potek delovanja. Na koncu smo z orodjem Lighthouse, ki ga ponuja brskalnik Google Chrome, in s pomočjo ročnega testiranja zagotovili kakovost (ang. quality assurance) spletne aplikacije. S tem smo odkrili napake v delovanju naše spletne aplikacije, ki jih lahko povzroči uporabnik in v kodo spletne aplikacije dodali obvladovanje napak. S tem smo preprečili napačno uporabo aplikacije in njeno zlorabo.

Keywords:digitalizacija, spletna aplikacija, turistična taksa, uporabniški vmesnik, programska oprema kot storitev
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149896 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165405187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Digitalisation of tourist tax payment
As part of our thesis, we wanted to demonstrate the importance and effectiveness of digital transformation, so we took on the challenge of digitising the payment of the tourist tax. With the help of digital transformation theory, market analysis and a good understanding of the problem, we managed to overcome the challenge. We developed a web application in the form of software as a service using different technologies. We started by looking at the theory of digital transformation, learning about the basic building blocks that are digitalisation and digitisation and the process of digital transformation itself. We compared its advantages and disadvantages and found that successful transformation can help businesses increase their profits, create better customer relationships and become more agile. This puts them at the top of the industry and allows them to set new standards and lead the way. To get to this point, companies need to put in a lot of effort and work through the disadvantages of digital transformation, which can be very complex (especially for larger companies) and come with high costs. Its success also depends on the digital literacy of employees and especially customers, so it is not necessarily the best route for all companies. We have also learned about the technologies that enable digital transformation, the main ones being cloud computing, mobile technology and application programming interfaces (APIs). We then applied these technologies to the development of our solution. To help us get a better idea, we researched the most well-known examples of digital transformation, with Adobe standing out as the company that set the standard for software as a service by changing to a subscription-based business model. After a theoretical introduction to the concept of digital transformation, we turned to the problem of digitally transforming the payment of tourist tax. We started with an analysis of existing solutions, using Porter's model to analyse the competition in the industry. Here we found that the tourism industry in Slovenia (to which our solution belongs) is statistically growing, which means that there is room for our solution. In addition, we found that we are exposed to the risk of new companies entering the market, especially those that are already well established in the sector ( We then set about identifying the competition, where we found two companies, SnapGuest, which represents our direct competition, and Bentral, which is our indirect competition. Both solutions, including ours, were then analysed using the SWOT method. The result of the analysis showed that our solution has the advantage of being simple and accessible. Our main advantage is the complete automation of the payment of the tourist tax and the registration of the guests, as this is done by the guest himself. Of course, we also have some disadvantages, such as the lack of a mobile app and, above all, the possibility of scanning documents. After the analysis, we prepared ourselves for the development of the web application, we defined the problem we are trying to solve and our target audience. With this understanding of our target audience, we set about designing the user interface. First, we created a wireframe, laying out the basic elements and defining the rough layout of our web application. Based on the wireframe, we set about designing the user interface. We decided that the main colour would be yellow, as it is reminiscent of tourism. To make it as user-friendly as possible, we decided to make the elements more round and also to use a font in a similar style. Both the wireframe and the user interface were designed in Figma. Next, we turned to the choice of technologies. We separated them into three parts, the front-end, the back-end and payment. The first one includes the technologies for creating the visual image of the web application and, after a review, we chose the React framework with the TypeScript version of JavaScript, together with the PrimeReact, PrimeFlex and Formik libraries. For the back-end, we defined the technologies we need for the web application to be functional. We chose Next.js for server-side rendering and Firestore database from Firebase for storing the data, which is then sent to the AJPES service using the SOAP protocol. The web application is hosted on Vercel and the implementation of payment was done with Stripe, which offers a lightweight implementation. All the technologies we have chosen are free at our scale, but offer scalability. After we had everything ready we started developing the web application, where we first defined the structure of folders and files. Then we started working on the front-end, here we described the process of creating the individual pages and components, along with code snippets. After that, we started to build the back-end, where we took care of storing the data in the database, making payments with Stripe, sending guest data to the AJPES service and hosting the web application. At the end of the chapter, we put ourselves in the shoes of a guest of a tourist accommodation who uses our check-in service to present its workflow. Finally, we used the Lighthouse tool in Google Chrome and manual testing to ensure the quality of our solution. This allowed us to identify user-induced errors in the web application, and fix them with error handling in the code. This has prevented misuse and abuse of the web application.

Keywords:digitisation, web application, tourist tax, user interface, software as a service

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