The topic of the thesis is programming and making electrical connections between the FAdC R2 axle counting system and the relay safety system Iskra NPr - KS for securing the crossing of a road and a railway, which is professionally called a level crossing (LC). The LC safety device is implemented in the area of industrial tracks in the Kidričevo industrial zone, hereinafter referred to as LC Talum, where special conditions for the safety system of LC mode apply. Until now, switches for manual activation of LC safety system installed along the track have been used on LCs on industrial tracks. Since sensor technology for safety system devices on rail has advanced significantly in recent years, we now have the possibility to upgrade the system. In my thesis, I will present an improved technical solution for LC safety device of LCs Talum. The manually operated LC automation with switches will be substituted with a fully automatic LC, replacing the manual activation switches with sensors installed along the track. For this purpose, the sensor technology with the FAdC R2 axle counting system from Frauscher will be used. By using axle counting technology, I will detect the presence of a rail vehicle on the sensor to the LC safety device of LC Talum. Until now, various types of LCs safety devices installed along the track have been used for these functions, which have become obsolete with the development of safety devices on railways and are not in accordance with standards for safety devices used in railways. For comprehensive and reliable use of axle counters as activation point of safety device LCs, it will be necessary to partially adapt the relay safety device LC from Iskra.