In the development of new electronic circuits and devices, laboratory power supplies are mostly used as a source of energy. Usually these devices are powered from the power grid, which limits their usage in mobile applications. In this thesis the design of a portable battery switching power supply with digital control is presented. The output voltage range of the power supply is limited between 0 and 15~V. It contains an adjustable current limit between 0 and 1~A, which also serves as a constant current source.
The power supply is based on a SEPIC switch mode DC-DC power converter, that allows high power conversion efficiency. The high mobility of the power supply is ensured by a Li-ion battery and a built-in fast charger. Ease of use allows charging via the USB-C port. The management of the power supply settings is carried out with a touch screen.
The core of the circuit is the STM32G483 microcontroller. The SPI unit controls the screen display and accepts screen touch data. The timer controls the voltage and current limit of the power supply.