
Etika skrbi in skrbstvene naloge kot vir vzpostavljanja spolne identitete in spolnih razlik
ID Skledar, Monika (Author), ID Strahovnik, Vojko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V družini, ki je osnovna enota človeške družbe, ima skrb pomembno vlogo. Družinski člani ves čas skrbijo drug za drugega in za gospodinjska opravila. Znotraj družine smo enkrat mi tisti, ki skrb dajemo in drugič spet tisti, ki jo prejemamo. Skrb so najprej preučevali v luči etike skrbi in jo utemeljili v odnosu med materjo in otrokom. Čeprav se je čez čas pomen koncepta skrbi razširil in danes zajema veliko več, kot zgolj skrb matere za otroka, so skrbstvene naloge še zmeraj pomemben vir vzpostavljanja spolne identitete in spolnih razlik. Danes je skrb še zmeraj zelo povezana z ženskami in ženskostjo, saj so ženske znotraj družine pogosteje nosilke skrbstvenih dejavnosti kot moški. Diplomsko delo problematizira dejstvo, da skrbstveno delo še vedno ni deležno zadošnje mere spoštovanja in dejstvo, da le-to ostaja v senci dejavnostih moške populacije. Skrbstveno delo, ki ga v večji meri izvršujejo ženske, je pogosto prezrto, nevidno ali pa se posameznikom zdi samoumevno. Tako v družbi še danes prevladuje trend nuklearnega družinskega modela, kjer je delitev del asimetrična, skrb pa samoumevno pripisana nosilkam reprodukcijske vloge. V zadnjem času je družba prisluhnila temu problemu in z raznimi ukrepi aktivnega očetovstva poskušala omiliti hierarhične razsežnosti v družinskih razmerjih. Vedno pogosteje bodo tako vidni trendi prenosa skrbi, kjer pa ne bo šlo le zgolj za prenos skrbi z žensk na moške, ampak tudi prenos skrbi na ostale ljudi in institucije. Vrednote skrbi se vse bolj premeščajo iz zasebne v javno sfero, kar pomeni, da postaja skrb pomemben predmet političnega delovanja in je (pre)-večkrat tudi izkoriščena za strankarsko propagando. Pomembno je, da presežemo pojmovanje skrbi, ki je utemeljeno v odnosu med materjo in otrokom, in da o skrbi razmišljamo kot o aktivnosti, ki je vezana na vse posameznike, ne glede na spol.

Keywords:družina, asimetrična delitev dela, ženske, skrbstveno delo, delitev dela glede na spol, zasebna in javna sfera
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149846 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Ethics of care and care work as a source of identity and gender differences
Care plays an important role in family, which is the basic unit of society. Family members take care of each other and the household chores all the time. Within the family, sometimes we are the ones who give care and other times we are the ones to receive it. Care was first studied in relation with the ethics of care and was based on the relationship between mother and child. Although the concept of care has broadened over time and today encompasses much more than just the care of a mother for her child, care tasks are still an important source of the construction of gender identity and gender differences. Today, caring is still very much linked to women and femininity, as women are much more likely to be the caregivers within the family than men. This bachelor’s thesis problematizes the fact that care work is still not sufficiently respected and that it remains in the shadow of the activities of the male population. Care work, which is predominantly being carried out by women, is often ignored, invisible or taken for granted. Thus, the trend of a nuclear family, in which the division of labour is asymmetrical, and the task of care is simply attributed to the bearers of the reproductive role, continues to prevail in society. Recently, society has taken this problem into account and tried to mitigate the hierarchical dimensions in family relationships through various measures of active fatherhood. There will be an increase in the transfer of care, not only from women to men, but also from men to other people and institutions. The values of care are increasingly shifting from the private to the public sphere, which means that care is becoming an important object of political action and is (too) often used for political propaganda. It is important to move beyond the conception of care that is based on the relationship between mother and child, and to think of care as an activity that concerns all individuals, irrespective of gender.

Keywords:family, asymmetric division of labour, women, care work, gender division of labour, private and public spheres

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