Cults of personality have existed in China ever since the Zhou dynasty, more than 3000 years ago, but the most noteworthy one is definitely last century’s cult of Mao Zedong. To make sure history does not repeat itself, China outlawed all cults of personalities. However, ever since Xi Jinping took charge, it looks as if the Communist Party of China has initiated a propaganda that resembles the one surrounding Mao, consequently there have been more and more talks about the new cult of Xi Jinping. This topic is not only important for understanding Chinese politics, but also to comprehend the global effect it can have. Thus this paper seeks to compare Xi Jinping with Mao Zedong and the propaganda around them, in order to find similarities and determine whether or not Xi Jinping is truly cultivating a cult of personality and what consequence this can have on the future of China. Findings suggest that, even if Mao and Xi display their charisma in a different way, they are both very adept in using it to create mass appeal. Additionally, Xi can compare with Mao better than other leaders in political power, which both of them have centralised into their own hands. This might also be a sign that China will return to a personalistic regime back from collective leadership. The cult of Xi is already established in a way, which can be mostly seen in the media, although we can be certain about it only when Xi decides to publicly announce it, just as Mao did back in 1958