
3D-tiskanje previsnih struktur z lokalnim ohlajanjem
ID Vojsk, Gregor (Author), ID Valentinčič, Joško (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lebar, Andrej (Comentor)

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V hitro rastoči panogi 3D-tiska z metodo ciljnega nalaganja se, kot v vsakem proizvodnem procesu, spopadamo z omejitvami tega postopka. Ko je dodajanje podpornih elementov nezaželeno ali nemogoče in mora biti zadoščeno zahtevam kakovosti previsnih struktur, moramo priskrbeti primerne hladilne in tiskalne pogoje. V iskanju le-teh smo primerjali vpliv različnih zračnih šob in parametrov tiskanja na sposobnost produkcije lepih previsov in omejevanja negativnih stranskih učinkov, kar smo ovrednotili z ocenami oziroma meritvami deformacij. Poleg tega smo iskali razlike v medsebojni usmerjenosti zračnega toka in nagibov na izdelkih. Spoznamo, da izbira vrste usmernika nima tako velikega vpliva na kvaliteto nagnjenih površin kot na negativni faktor zvijanja, ki ga je najbolje obvladovala dvojna šoba. Njena uporaba je privedla do najbolj zadovoljivih rezultatov tudi pri različnih orientacijah na tiskalni mizi. Izmed spremenjenih parametrov je k izboljšanju previsov najbolj pripomogla večja debelina zunanjih sten, ampak povzročila tudi najvidnejše vihanje tankih koncev. To pojav je najobčutneje znižalo zmanjšanje hitrosti premikanja tiskalne glave.

Keywords:3D-tisk, metoda ciljnega nalaganja, previsi, zračno hlajenje, parametri, usmerjenost zračnega toka
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Vojsk]
Number of pages:X, 22, [2] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149799 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168601859 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:3D printing of overhanging structures with local cooling
In the fast-growing industry of 3D printing with fused filament fabrication, like in every manufacturing process, we must deal with the limitations of this procedure. When adding support elements is unwanted or impossible and the quality requirements of overhanging structures must be satisfied, adequate cooling and printing conditions are necessary. In search thereof, we compared the influence of different air shrouds and printing parameters on the ability to produce high quality overhangs and limit defects, which we evaluated by a grading system and dimensional measurements, respectively. In addition, we were looking for differences in the mutual orientation of airflow and inclinations on the products. We have learned that the choice of the type of shroud does not have as big of an impact on the quality of sloping surfaces as it does on the negative effect of curling, which was best controlled by the dual air rectifier. The latter also brought the most satisfactory results at different orientations on the print bed. Among the parameters that have been changed, greater wall thickness improved overhangs the most, but it also caused the most noticeable bending of thin ends. This phenomenon was most effectively limited by a reduction in speed of the 3D printing head.

Keywords:3D printing, fused filament fabrication, overhangs, air cooling, parameters, air current orientation

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