
Redukcija genoma pri aktinomicetah
ID Ortl, Larisa (Author), ID Petković, Hrvoje (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Razvoj novih molekularno-bioloških orodji, kot je npr. CRISPR-Cas je omogočil hitro in učinkovito manipulacijo genomov mikroorganizmov. Eden od pristopov, ki ga raziskovalci že vsaj desetletje proučujejo je t.i. “redukcija genomov” (ang. genome reduction). Dognanja, ki stoji za tem pristopom, ki ga pogosto imenujemo tudi “racionalizacija genomov” (ang. genome streamlining) je usmerjena v zmanjševanje kompleksnosti celice mikroorganizmov, ki so pogosto izjemno regulatorno in metabolno zapleteni. Potencialna uporabna vrednost teh pristopov lahko rezultira v povečani genomski stabilnosti gostiteljskega seva, redukcijo kompleksnosti metabolizma novih mikrobnih šasij, hitrejši rast in robustnost takšnih kultur, poenostavitev sekretoma, ki mu lahko sledi redukcija števila različnih primarnih in sekundarnih metabolitov. Pristopi redukcije genomov imajo lahko zato potencialno uporabno vrednost pri konstrukciji industrijskih sevov z nižjo metabolno obremenitvijo in višjim donosem ciljnih produktov ob izboljšanih fizioloških in morfoloških lastnostih tovrstnih kultur. Največji napredek pri tovrstnih študijah je bil dosežen pri redukciji genomov modelnih mikroorganizmov, kot je to npr. E. coli ali B. subtilis. Namen teh študij ni bil toliko usmerjen v razvoj novih mikrobnih šasij, ampak bolj v razumevanje t.i. »minimalnega genoma« (angl. core genome), oziroma minimalnega števila genov, ki še omogočajo osnovno delovanje celice v laboratorijskih pogojih. Šele v zadnjih letih pa ta pristop postaja zanimiv tudi za konstrukcijo t.i. mikrobnih šasij. Cilj te diplomske naloge je, da povzame vse mogoče metodološke pristope redukcije genomnov pri aktinomicetah. Bolj konkretno, pa bi bilo dobro povečati razumevanje, katere dele teh velikih kromosomov, in v kakšnih dimenzijah je smiselno reducirati. Cilj te diplomske naloge je tudi priprava pregleda literature, ki se nanaša na pristope redukcije genomov pri streptomicetah, njihov vpliv na morfološke in fiziološke lastnosti teh sevov ter njihovo potencialno uporabo pri izboljševanju industrijsih mikrobnih kultur.

Keywords:redukcija genoma, Streptomyces, sekundarni metaboliti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149790 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164409603 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2023
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Title:Genome reduction in actinomycetes
The development of new molecular biology tools, such as CRISPR-Cas has enabled rapid and efficient manipulation of the genomes of microorganisms. One of the approaches that researchers have been studying for at least a decade is the so-called genome reduction. The findings behind this approach, which is often called "genome streamlining", is aimed at reducing the complexity of the cells of microorganisms, which are often extremely regulatory and metabolically complex. The potential utility of these approaches can result in increased genomic stability of the host strain, reduction in the complexity of the metabolism of new microbial chassis, faster growth and robustness of such cultures, simplification of the secretome, which can be followed by a reduction in the number of different primary and secondary metabolites. Genome reduction approaches can therefore have a potentially useful value in the construction of industrial strains with a lower metabolic load and a higher yield of target products with improved physiological and morphological properties of such cultures. The greatest progress in such studies was achieved in the reduction of the genomes of model microorganisms, such as E. coli or B. subtilis. The aim of these studies was not so much aimed at the development of new microbial chassis, but more at understanding the so-called "minimum genome" or. core genome, or the minimum number of genes that still enable the basic functioning of the cell in laboratory conditions. Only in recent years, however, has this approach become interesting for the construction of the so-called microbial chassis. The aim of this thesis is to summarize all possible methodological approaches of genome reduction in actinomycetes. More specifically, it would be good to increase the understanding of which parts of these large chromosomes, and in what dimensions, it makes sense to reduce them. The aim of this thesis is also to prepare a literature review related to genome reduction approaches in Streptomyces species, their influence on the morphological and physiological properties of these strains and their potential use in the improvement of industrial microbial cultures.

Keywords:genome reduction, Streptomyces, secondary metabolites

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