
Klonalna evolucija raka in možnosti njene premostitve pri onkološkem zdravljenju
ID Manfreda Golob, Brina (Author), ID Zorc, Minja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zadravec Zaletel, Lorna (Comentor)

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Termin rak se v kliničnem svetu nanaša na več kot 100 različnih bolezni. Vsako maligno tkivo je drugačno, kar je posledica heterogenosti, ki nastane zaradi genetske osnove, mikrookolja in selekcijskega pritiska znotraj tkiva. Rak se razvije v večstopenjskem procesu in ga lahko razumemo z vidika evolucije, saj so gonilo njegovega razvoja mutacije, selekcija in genetski zdrs. Iniciacija tumorja je posledica spremembe v normalni, zdravi celici, ki pridobi sposobnost nenadzorovane rasti. Sledi ji neoplastična proliferacija in razvoj tumorskega tkiva. Rakave matične celice igrajo ključno vlogo pri tem procesu, saj imajo sposobnost samoobnavljanja in tvorbe heterogenih celic v tumorju. Ob klonalni ekspanziji nekega klona prihaja do genetskih in epigenetskih sprememb, ki določajo potek bolezni. Onkologi z uvedbo močnega vira umetne selekcije v obliki zdravil ali obsevanja spreminjajo dinamiko rakavih celic. Zdravljenje običajno povzroči množično celično smrt, kar predstavlja selektivni pritisk za razmnoževanje celic, ki so zdravljenje sposobne preživeti. Pri zdravljenju raka prihaja do razvoja rezistentnih mutant. S pomočjo razvoja in raziskav na področju klonalne evolucije raka si lahko z različnimi biooznačevalci pomagamo pri diagnostiki in ugotavljanju napredovanja bolezni. Pomembno je tudi pogosto odvzemanje vzorcev tkiva in pravilna karakterizacija stopnje heterogenosti tkiva. Novejše metode zdravljenja vključujejo tarčno terapevtsko zdravljenje, kombinirano zdravljenje, genomske analize in različne načine dovajanja zdravil. V prihodnosti se bo verjetno vedno bolj uveljavljal personaliziran pristop k zdravljenju raka.

Keywords:klonalna evolucija, tumorske matične celice, onkološko zdravljenje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149776 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164361987 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Clonal evolution in cancer and ways to overcome it in therapeutic treatment
In the clinical world, the term cancer refers to more than 100 different diseases. Each malignant tissue is unique, due to heterogeneity resulting from genetic basis, microenvironment and selection pressure within the tissue. Cancer develops in a multistep process and can be understood from an evolutionary perspective, as mutations, selection and genetic drift are the drivers of its development. Tumor initiation is the result of changes in a normal, healthy cell that acquires the ability to grow uncontrollably. This is followed by neoplastic proliferation and the development of tumor tissue. Cancer stem cells play a key role in this process, because they have the ability to self-renew and form heterogeneous cells in the tumor. The clonal expansion of a clone leads to genetic and epigenetic changes that shape the course of the disease. By introducing a strong source of artificial selection in the form of drugs or radiation, oncologists change the dynamics of cancer cells. Treatment usually results in massive cell death, which represents a selective pressure for proliferating cells capable of surviving such treatment. In the treatment of cancer, the development of resistant mutants occurs. With the help of development and research in the field of clonal evolution of cancer, we can use various biomarkers to help diagnose the progression of the disease. Frequent tissue sampling and correct characterization of the degree of tissue heterogeneity are also important. Newer treatment methods include targeted therapy, combined therapy, genomic analysis, and various methods of drug delivery. In the future, a personalized approach to cancer treatment is likely to become more prevalent.

Keywords:clonal evolution, cancer stem cells, therapeutic treatment

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