
Regulacija rastlinske senescence kot odziv na biotski in abiotski stres
ID Breberina, Mia (Author), ID Dolenc Koce, Jasna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Senescenca je pomemben razvojni proces pri rastlinah. Je tudi pomemben dejavnik pridelave kmetijskih rastlin, saj omejuje biomaso in spreminja njihovo hranilno vrednost ter s tem vpliva na pridelek. Je uravnavan fiziološki proces, ki lahko poteka na različnih nivojih biološkega sistema: celic, tkiv, organov in celotne rastline. Pri senescenci listov potečeta programirana celična smrt in prenos hranil iz starajočih in odmirajočih tkiv v založna in prezimna tkiva. Izrabljene snovi pa se kopičijo v odmrlih celicah. Najbolj viden znak listne senescence je rumenenje listov, ki je posledica razgradnje pigmentno-proteinskih kompleksov v kloroplastih. Senescenco vzpodbujajo ali zavirajo različni biotski (virusi, glive, bakterije, rastlinojedci (žuželke)) in abiotski dejavniki (spremenjena temperatura, pomanjkanje hranil, suša, težke kovine, intenzivnost svetlobe). Ker staranje listov patogenim organizmom omogoča boljše izkoriščanje rastlinskih hranil, so okužbe s patogeni pogosto povezane z zapoznelim staranjem, kopičenjem hranil na mestih okužbe in rastnimi spremembami. Celoten potek, začetek in tudi zaključek senescence uravnavajo zapletene regulatorne poti in mehanizmi, na katere vplivajo notranji in zunanji dejavniki. Funkcionalne in transkriptomske genetske študije poročajo, da se v procesu staranja z genetskim reprogramiranjem spremeni izražanje številnih genov, povezanih s senescenco. Transkripcijski faktorji, kot so NAC, družina WRKY, MYB in AP2/ERF so znani kot ključni regulatorji, ki aktivirajo in uravnavajo gensko ekspresijo senescence v odgovor abiotskim in biotskim stresom, ki prizadanejo rastlino.

Keywords:Senescenca, biotski stres, abiotski stres, endogeni dejavniki, eksogeni dejavniki, epigenetika, transkripcijski faktorji, rastline, odmiranje rastlin, razvojni proces rastlin, prenos hranil
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149748 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164395267 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Regulation of plant senescence as a response to biotic and abiotic stress
Senescence is an important developmental process in plants. It is also an important factor in agriculturally important plants, limiting their biomass and altering their nutritional value, thus affecting yields. It is a regulated physiological process that can take place at different levels of the biological system: cells, tissues, organs and the whole plant. Leaf senescence involves programmed cell death and transport of nutrients from ageing and dying tissues to storage and overwintering tissues. The used substances accumulate in the dead cells. The most visible sign of leaf senescence is yellowing of the leaves, which is a result of the breakdown of pigment-protein complexes in the chloroplasts. Leaf senescence is stimulated or inhibited by various biotic (viruses, fungi, bacteria, herbivores (insects)) and abiotic factors (change in temperature, nutrient deficiency, drought, heavy metals, light intensity). Leaf senescence allows pathogenic organisms to easier exploit plant nutrients therefore infections by pathogens are often associated with delayed senescence, nutrient accumulation at the infection sites and growth changes. The entire course, initiation and even termination of senescence is governed by complex regulatory pathways and mechanisms influenced by both internal and external factors. Functional and transcriptomic genetic studies report that the expression of many ageing-related genes is altered during the ageing process by genetic reprogramming. NAC, WRKY, MYB and AP2/ERF are known as key transcription factors that activate and regulate senescence gene expression in response to abiotic and biotic stresses affecting the plant.

Keywords:Senescence, biotic stress, abiotic stress, endogenous factors, exogenous factors, epigenetics, transcription factors, plants, plant death, developmental process in plants, nutrient mobilization

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