
Sistem HIL
ID Bonin, Tadej (Author), ID Žemva, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je predstavljen potek načrtovanja preprostega HIL-sistema, ki ponuja možnost statičnega in dinamičnega testiranja drugih vgrajenih sistemov. Opisane so vse sestavne vhodno-izhodne enote tega HIL-sistema na strojnem nivoju z izhodišči iz že znanih konceptov. V nadaljevanju je opisano kontroliranje vseh strojnih enot z uporabo STM-razvojne plošče. Opisane so tudi programske funkcije na aplikacijskem nivoju, s pomočjo katerih lahko uporabnik sam sprogramira dinamične testne primere.

Keywords:sistem HIL, simulacija HIL
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149710 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164297219 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2023
BONIN, Tadej, 2023, Sistem HIL [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 1 April 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:HIL System
This diploma thesis presents the process of designing a simple HIL system that offers the possibility of static and dynamic testing of other embedded systems. All components of the input-output units of this HIL system are described at the hardware level, based on established concepts. Furthermore, the control of all hardware units using the STM development board is described. Described are also the software functions at the application level, through which the user can program dynamic test cases by himself.

Keywords:HIL system, HIL simulation

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