
3D oblikovanje lika in kostuma za kratek animirani film po avtorski vsebini
ID Flis, Oja (Author), ID Kočevar, Tanja Nuša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Košak, Karin (Comentor)

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Namen diplomske naloge z naslovom 3D oblikovanje lika in kostuma za kratek animirani film po avtorski vsebini je bil predstaviti celoten proces ustvarjanja filmskega stiliziranega fotorealističnega fantazijskega lika, njegovo kostumografijo in pripadajoče okolje, kjer biva, cilj pa vse našteto upodobiti v kratki 3D animaciji. Kratek animirani film je postavljen v fantazijski svet dežele Eldorije, kjer prebiva Aurora- protagonistka filma in središče diplomske naloge. Inspiracija za oblikovanje lika in kostuma je preplet značilnih oblik Art Nouveau-ja in sodobnih oblačil, predvsem 3D tiskanih oblek oblikovalke Iris Van Herpen, vzdušje animacije pa sta inspirirali gibanji romantika in simbolizem 19. stoletja, natančneje njuni predstavniki v slikarstvu. Po študiranju literature o animaciji, oblikovanju likov, pomenu kostumografije ter umetniško-intelektualnih gibanjih, stilih in obodbjih, ki so navdihnili oblikovanje, smo se lotili eksperimentalnega dela. V prvi fazi delokroga izdelave 3D animacije smo skicirali lik in kostum ter uredili avtorsko fotografijo ozadja v programih Adobe Photoshop in Procreate iOS. Nato smo izdelali telo lika s pomočjo programa Makehuman, ki smo ga še dodatno nadgradili v odprtokodnem programu Blender, kjer smo kreirali tudi celotno kostumografijo (oblačila in dodatke) ter okolico, izdelali materiale in teksture ter jih dodali objektom na sceni, liku dodali okostje, ustvarili simulacije, določili gibanje kamere, upodobili končne fotografije in ustvarili digitalno stop motion animacijo.

Keywords:3D računalniška grafika, 3D animacija, kostumografija, oblikovanje lika, animirani film
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149677 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2023
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Title:3d character and costume design for a short animated film by authorial content
The purpose of the diploma thesis titled 3D costume and character design for a short animated film by authorial content is to present the process of creating stylised photorealistic fantasy character with costumography and its living environment and to then present everything in a short 3D animation. Short animated film is set in a fantasy land of Eldorija, where Aurora, protagonist of the film and the main focus of our diploma thesis lives. Inspiration for costume and character design is an entertwinement of distinctive shapes of Art Nouveau and contemporary clothes, mostly 3D dresses from designer Iris Van Herpen, while the atmosphere of the film originates from Romantic and Symbolist movement of the 19. century or paintings of that time, to be exact. After studying literature on animation, character design, meaning of costumography, its importance on understading the character and artistic-intellectual movements, styles and eras that inspired our design we started with experimental part of our diploma. First we sketched the character with costumes and edited the background image in Adobe Photoshop and Procreate iOS. Program Makehuman was used to make the character’s body, which we later upgraded with sculpting in open-source program Blender, where we also created all elements of the costume and environment, created and added materials and textures to all objects, rigged the character, made simulations, defined the camera movement, rendered the final images and created digital stop-motion animation.

Keywords:3D computer graphics, 3D animation, costumography, character design, animated film

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