
Šola v naravi in odnos osnovnošolcev do okolja : magistrsko delo
ID Rožman, Hana (Author), ID Torkar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Center šolskih in obšolskih dejavnosti (CŠOD) izvaja izrazito okoljsko naravnane programe, kjer učenci doživijo neposredne izkušnje v naravi. Izkušnje v naravi močno vplivajo na razvoj okoljskih stališč, vrednot in občutka povezanosti z naravo. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, kako enotedenski programi CŠOD vplivajo na odnos učencev do okolja, kakšna je povezanost učencev z naravo, kakšne so njihove okoljske vrednote, stališča ter vedenje, ter ugotoviti korelacije med merjenimi spremenljivkami. Prav tako smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšna so pričakovanja in vtisi udeležencev programov CŠOD. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo anonimnih pisnih vprašalnikov za učence in skupinskih intervjujev z učitelji spremljevalci. Pri nobeni izmed merjenih dimenzij odnosa učencev do okolja nismo zaznali statistično pomembnih razlik pred in po izvedbi programov CŠOD. Ugotovili smo, da učenci pogosteje izvajajo individualna okoljska vedenja, katerih udejanjanje ni odvisno od drugih oseb. Največjo okoljsko skrb učenci posvečajo biosferični dimenziji, ki se nanaša na dobrobit vseh bitij. Pri učencih smo zaznali zmerno do visoko povezanost z naravo; najvišje vrednosti so bile pri občutku enosti z naravo. Učenci so že pred izvedbo programa CŠOD izkazali večjo zavzetost za ohranjanje narave kot za izkoriščanje oziroma uporabo narave. Iz rezultatov je prav tako razvidno, da obstajajo zmerne ter pozitivne korelacije med okoljskimi vrednotami in stališči. Egoistična dimenzija skrbi za okolje ter stališča, ki poudarjajo uporabo narave, so v negativni korelaciji z biosferično in altruistično dimenzijo ter prookoljskim vedenjem. Primerjave med spoloma nakazujejo, da učenke izkazujejo okolju prijaznejše vedenje, so bolj zavzete za ohranjanje narave in imajo pozitivnejša okoljska stališča ter vrednote v primerjavi z učenci. Ugotovili smo tudi, da z odraščanjem učenci postajajo manj povezani z naravo ter izkazujejo negativnejša stališča ter vedenja. Učenci so pred izvedbo programa CŠOD najbolj pričakovali spoznavanje narave. Iz njihovih vtisov po izvedenih programih pa so bile najbolj pogosto izpostavljene športne aktivnosti v naravi. Učitelji spremljevalci so izpostavili pomen druženja učencev ter njihovo medsebojno spoznavanje, ki so ga pridobili v času izvajanja programov. To je razvidno tudi iz odprtih odgovorov učencev, ki v vtisih veliko bolj izpostavljajo vidik druženja in medsebojnega spoznavanja kot v pričakovanjih. Raziskava je pokazala, da učenci celokupno v programu CŠOD prejmejo veliko različnih kompetenc, vendar le-te niso toliko vezane samo na okoljski vidik programov, ki jih poudarja Koncept šole v naravi in CŠOD.

Keywords:Center šolskih in obšolskih dejavnosti, osnovnošolci, povezanost z naravo, okoljske vrednote, okoljska stališča, okoljska vedênja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:H. Rožman
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XI, 73 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149633 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-149633 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164144899 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:School in Nature and the Attitude of Primary School Students Towards the Environment
The Centre for School and Outdoor Education (CŠOD) runs distinctly environmental programmes where students have direct experiences in nature. Experiences in nature have a strong influence on the development of environmental attitudes, values, and connectedness to nature. The purpose of this study is to determine how CŠOD's week-long programmes influence students' attitudes toward the environment, their connectedness to nature, their environmental values and attitudes, and their pro-environmental behaviours, and to identify correlations among the measured variables. We also want to find out what the expectations and impressions of participants in CŠOD programmes are. Data were collected through anonymous written questionnaires for students and group interviews with accompanying teachers. For all measured dimensions of students' attitudes toward the environment, no statistically significant differences before and after implementation of the CŠOD programmes are found out. We found out that students are more likely to engage in individual pro-environmental behaviours that do not depend on others. Students pay the most attention to the biospheric dimension, which refers to the well-being of all living things. We found moderate to high levels of connectedness to nature, with the highest scores for the sense of oneness with nature. Even before the implementation of the CŠOD programme, students showed greater commitment to the preservation of nature than to the utilisation of nature. The results also show that there are moderate and positive correlations between environmental values and attitudes. The egoistic dimension of environmental values and attitudes emphasising the use of nature are negatively correlated with the biospheric and altruistic dimensions and pro-environmental behaviours. Gender comparisons show that female students exhibit more pro-environmental behaviours, are more committed to nature preservation, and have more positive environmental attitudes and values than male students. We also found out that as students get older, they become less connected to nature and exhibit more negative attitudes and behaviours. Students' greatest expectation before the CŠOD programme was to learn about nature. However, according to their impressions after the programmes, sports activities in nature were mentioned most often. Accompanying teachers emphasised the importance of students socialising and getting to know each other during the programmes. This is also reflected in the open responses of the students, who emphasised the aspect of being together and getting to know each other much more in their impressions than in their expectations. The survey found out that overall, students acquire a wide range of skills in the CŠOD programme, but are not as associated with the environmental aspect of the programmes, which is emphasised in the Concept of the Outdoor Education and CŠOD.

Keywords:Centre for School and Outdoor Education, primary school students, connectedness with nature, environmental values, environmental attitudes, pro-environmental behavior

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