
Okrevanje srčne frekvence po naporu v obdobju intenzivnega trenažnega programa mladih športnikov : diplomsko delo
ID Ameršek, Kim (Author), ID Potočnik, Nejka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kacin, Alan (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Aktivni športniki redno trenirajo, da bi dosegli čim boljšo telesno pripravljenost. Preveč treninga lahko vodi v pretreniranost športnika. Okrevanje srčne frekvence po standardizirani zmerni obremenitvi, ki jo športniki ponavljajo med rednimi treningi, bi lahko bila je dober pokazatelj športnikove telesne pripravljenosti in morebitne pretreniranosti. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti povezavo med okrevanjem frekvence srčnega utripa (fSUO) po koncu standardizirane zmerne vadbe (SZV) in intenzivnostjo treninga pri mladih aktivnih tekačih. Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 7 mladih aktivnih tekačev (3 moški in 4 žensk). Pri vsakem smo izvedli 4 meritve SZV. Protokol je bil sestavljen iz 3 faz: 1) 5-minutno mirovanje, 2) stopnjevana SZV na sobnem kolesu, 3) pasivno okrevanje. Merili smo fSUO v 30, 60 in 120 s po SZV ter oceno občutenja napora po 15-stopenjski lestvici (LON). Statistično smo analizirali spremembo fSUO 30, 60 in 120 s po koncu SZV. Z metodo vadbenega dražljaja (MVD) po modelu Banister in po modificiranih modelih smo ocenili športnikovo telesno obremenjenost zaradi rednih treningov. S koeficientom spreminjanja merjenih količin smo sledili spreminjanju fiziološkega odziva na SZV med rednim trenažnim programom. Rezultati: Vse merjene fiziološke količine so se med trenažnim programom spreminjale, koeficient spreminjanja pri fSUO60 je bil enakega velikostnega reda kot pri LON, največji je bil pri fSUO30, vendar ni bil normalno porazdeljen in najmanjši pri fSUO120. Pri ?fSUO60 smo našli zmerno negativno povezanost s ?MVD2 (r = -0,362), pri ?LON pa zmerno oziroma močno povezanost s ?MVD (r = -0,393) in ?LON2 (r = -0,506). Test povezanosti je potrdil pozitivno linearno korelacijo med vsemi kazalci intenzivnosti trenažnega programa. Razprava in zaključek: Z rezultati raziskave smo ugotovili, da se fSUO po SZV spreminja in da sta ?fSUO60 in ?LON statistično pomembno povezana z intenzivnostjo trenažnega programa. Sklepamo lahko, da bi odstopanja od te povezanosti morda lahko nakazovala pretreniranost. Da bi to lahko potrdili, bi v prihodnje morali uporabiti večji vzorec preiskovancev, podaljšati obdobje meritev ter povišati intenzivnost njihovega trenažnega programa.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, srčna frekvenca, okrevanje srčne frekvence, standardizirana zmerna vadba, mladi športniki, pretreniranost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Ameršek]
Number of pages:30 str., [2] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149616 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164507651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Heart rate recovery after exercise during intensive training program in young athletes : diploma work
Introduction: Active athletes train regularly to achieve optimal physical fitness. Excessive training can lead to overtraining in athletes. Heart rate recovery after standardized moderate exercise, which athletes repeat during regular training sessions, could be a good indicator of athlete's physical fitness and potential overtraining. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to determine the correlation between heart rate recovery (fSUO) after standardized moderate exercise (SZV) and training intensity in young active runners. Methods: The study involved 7 young active runners (3 males and 4 females). For each participant, 4 measurements of SZV were performed. The protocol consisted of 3 phases: 1) 5-minute resting, 2) progressive fSUO on cycloergometer, 3) passive recovery. fSUO was measured at 30, 60, and 120 seconds after SZV, along with the rating of perceived exertion using a 15-point scale (LON). Changes in fSUO at 30, 60, and 120 seconds after fSUO were statistically analyzed. With training impulse method (MVD), based on the Banister model and modified models, the athlete's physical load due to regular training sessions was assessed. The coefficient of variaion in measured variables was used to track the changing physiological response to SZV during regular training program. Results: All measured physiological variables changed during training program. The coefficient of variation for fSUO60 was similar magnitude as LON, the highest for fSUO30, although it was not normally distributed, and the smallest for fSUO120. Regarding ΔfSUO60, we found a moderate negative correlation with ΔMVD2 (r = -0.362), while for ΔLON, there was a moderate to strong correlation with both ΔMVD (r = -0.393) and ΔLON2 (r = -0.506). The correlation test confirmed a positive linear correlation among all indicators of training program intensity. Discussion and conclusion: Based on the results, we found that fSUO after SZV changes and both ΔfSUO60 and ΔLON are statistically significantly associated with training intensity. It can be inferred that deviations from this association might indicate overtraining. To confirm this, future studies should consider using a larger sample size, extending the measurement period, and increasing the intensity of participants' training.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, heart rate, heart rate recovery, standardized moderate exercise, young athletes, overreaching

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