
Trendi in izzivi komunalnih čistilnih naprav
ID Gregorn, Leila Lea (Author), ID Plazl, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zgodovina nas je naučila pomembnosti čiste vode in okolja. V preteklosti se je človeštvo soočalo z izzivom izgradnje osnovnih kanalizacijskih sistemov. Z razvojem industrije in z novimi odkritji je število onesnaževal pričelo naraščati. Potrebno je bilo poiskati nove rešitve za odstranitev le-teh iz vode. Nastale so komunalne čistilne naprave, ki so se od njihovih začetkov pa do sedanjega časa mnogo spremenile. V današnjem času se število novih metod čiščenja odpadnih voda hitro povečuje, saj se tudi povečujejo potrebe po čiščenju zaradi naraščanja prebivalstva. Kljub naprednejšim tehnologijam se komunalne čistilne naprave še vedno srečujejo z mnogimi izzivi. Največje težave predstavljajo ogromna poraba energije, način primernega ravnanja z aktivnim blatom in učinek komunalnih čistilnih naprav na okolje. Še eden izmed izzivov je implementacija novih tehnologij na že obstoječe čistilne naprave. V zadnjih letih je poudarek na zmanjšanju količine odpadkov, obnovi nutrientov iz odpadne vode in izgradnji samozadostnih čistilnih naprav. Procesi, s katerimi se srečujemo v čistilnih napravah, predstavljajo energijski potencial in korak bližje k zmanjšanju ogljičnega odtisa.

Keywords:aktivno blato, izzivi, komunalne čistilne naprave, ogljični odtis, trendi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149594 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:169846787 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2023
GREGORN, Leila Lea, 2023, Trendi in izzivi komunalnih čistilnih naprav [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Trends and challenges of municipal wastewater treatment plant
History has taught us the importance of clean water and environment. In the past, humanity was faced with the challenge of building basic sewage system. With the development of industry and new discoveries, the number of pollutants began to increase. It was necessary to find new solutions to remove pollutants from the water. Municipal treatment plants were created and have changed ever since. Nowadays, the number of new wastewater treatment methods is increasing rapidly, as the needs for treatment are increasing due to population growth. Despite more advanced technologies, municipal wastewater treatment plants still face many challenges. The biggest problems are huge consumption of energy, how to properly handle active sludge, and the effect municipal sewage treatment plants have on the environment. Another challenge is the implementation of new technologies on already existing treatment plants. In recent years, the emphasis has been on reducing the amount of waste, restoring nutrients from wastewater and building self-sufficient sewage treatment plants. The processes encountered in water treatment plants represent energy potential and a step closer to reducing the carbon footprint.

Keywords:active sludge, carbon footprint, challenges, municipal wastewater treatment plant, trends

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