
Mobilni predvajalnik za ranljive skupine v bolnišnicah
ID MILOVANOVIĆ, JAN (Author), ID Pesek, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaradi manjšega števila dosegljivih pediatrov in potrebe po izboljšanju počutja otrok v bolnišnicah so pediatrične klinike izrazile željo po prostodostopni aplikaciji, ki bi otrokom ponujala varno okolje in delovala kot alternativa določenih vlog pediatra. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil razviti mobilno aplikacijo, dostopno čim več napravam, ki pomaga pri izboljševanju počutja otrok v pediatričnih klinikah. Aplikacija vsebuje avdio predvajalnik z vsebinami, pripravljenimi s pomočjo ekspertov psiho in nevroznanstvenih področij. Vsebina služi kot pomoč pri uspavanju, umiritvi otrok zaradi napovedane operacije ali zdravniškega pregleda ter opogumljanju otrok pri kreativnosti in ustvarjanju. V okviru diplomske naloge smo s pomočjo razvojnega ogrodja Flutter v sodelovanju z RTV Slovenija in sodelujočimi skupinami projekta B-AIR razvili mobilno aplikacijo z dostopom do šestih tematsko ločenih vsebin s svojimi vlogami (uspavanje, umiritev ...), radijem z otroškimi glasbami ter anketo za namen opravljanja evalvacije. Evalvacija nakazuje pozitivne rezultate, vendar zaradi več neugodnih situacij ne moremo sklepati, da so rezultati popolnoma merodajni in ali je aplikacija zadostna kot komplementarno orodje za nadomeščanje dela časa, ki ga otrok preživi s pediatrom.

Keywords:Flutter, Dart, avdio predvajalnik, glasbena terapija, obvladovanje stresa, mobilna aplikacija, večplatformna aplikacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149590 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165447427 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Mobile Audio Player for vulnerable groups in hospitals
Due to a lower amount of available pediatricians and the need to improve children's moods in hospitals, several pediatric clinics expressed the wish for a freely available application, that would offer children a safe environment and work as an alternative to certain pediatrician roles.The aim of the diploma thesis was to develop a mobile application, available to as many devices as possible, that would help improve children's moods by implementing an audio player, that fetches preselected music and fairytales from RTV servers. The stories are split into multiple themes, some are meant to help children fall asleep, others to help children in stress due to an upcoming operation or examination and some are made to motivate children to be creative. Within the diploma, I have developed an application that contains a login screen and three main windows. The first window contains six different playlist theme buttons, where each button leads to a page with a set of all theme recordings. The second window contains a live player for Radio Z and the final window leads to an in-app web view survey that users may voluntarily fill in. The application is dynamic, therefore RTV is not very dependent on the front-end implementation due to their back-end having the ability to change application configuration such as themes, radio, images and various titles and icons at will.

Keywords:Flutter, Dart, audio player, music therapy, stress management, mobile application, cross-platform application

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