
Vpliv epidemije covid-19 na dostopnost storitev dolgotrajne oskrbe : magistrsko delo
ID Štupar, Hermina (Author), ID Setnikar-Cankar, Stanka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V državah Evropske unije (v nadaljevanju EU) se bodo zaradi starajočega se prebivalstva v prihodnosti povečevala potrebna sredstva za financiranje dolgotrajne oskrbe. Namen magistrskega dela je preučiti sistemsko ureditev in dostopnost dolgotrajne oskrbe v Sloveniji, Nemčiji, na Finskem in Švedskem. Prav tako je namen magistrskega dela preučiti vpliv epidemije na kakovost bivanja in poslovanje domov za starejše (v nadaljevanju DS). Ureditev dolgotrajne oskrbe v navedenih državah je predstavljena z deskripcijsko metodo, primerjava med državami pa je izvedena s primerjalno metodo. Raziskava vpliva epidemije na kakovost bivanja v DS in finančno poslovanje DS je izvedena z analizo sekundarnih virov (anket ter izkazov prihodkov in odhodkov). Ugotovitve raziskave dokazujejo, da si Slovenija z Zakonom o dolgotrajni oskrbi (v nadaljevanju ZDOsk) prizadeva izboljšati sistem dolgotrajne oskrbe in pri tem sledi ureditvi v izbranih državah EU. V obdobju epidemije se je zadovoljstvo stanovalcev DS poslabšalo. Sprejeti ukrepi države za pomoč izvajalcem socialnegavarstva v obdobju epidemije so izboljšali finančno poslovanje domov za starejše. Predstavljene ugotovitve magistrskega dela opozarjajo na nujnost izboljšanja sistema dolgotrajne oskrbe v Sloveniji. Slovenija bo morala posebno pozornost nameniti ureditvi trajnostnega in učinkovitega financiranja dolgotrajne oskrbe, izboljšanju dostopnosti in kakovosti storitev. V času pisanja magistrskega dela se načrtujejo reformne spremembe, ki jih uvaja ZDOsk, zato bo v prihodnjih raziskavah treba preveriti, ali so oblikovane in sprejete reforme končno izboljšale problematiko, ki jo obravnava magistrsko delo.

Keywords:dolgotrajna oskrba, epidemija, reforme, EU, kakovost, finančno poslovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[H. Štupar]
Number of pages:X, 180 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149589 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:163664899 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of the covid-19 epidemic on the access to long-term care services
The demand for funding to support long-term care will increase in the future in the countries of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the EU) due to an ageing population. The objective of the master's thesis is to examine the systemic framework and accessibility of long-term care in Slovenia, Germany, Finland, and Sweden. The master's thesis will additionally look into the impact of the epidemic on the quality of life and the operations of nursing homes (hereinafter DS). The regulation of long-term care in the specified countries is described using a descriptive method, and the comparison between countries is carried out using a comparative method. The assessment of the impact of the epidemic on the DS's quality of life and financial operations is carried out by analysing additional information (surveys and income and expenditure accounts). The findings of the research indicate that Slovenia is striving to enhance its long-term care system with ZDOsk and that, in doing so, it is adhering to the rules in certain other countries in the European Union. The level of satisfaction of DS residents declined over the epidemic period. During the epidemic period, the state's support for social care providers enhanced the financial operations of eldercare facilities. The findings of the master's thesis highlight the necessity of improving Slovenia's longterm care system. Slovenia will need to give special attention to arranging for longterm care financing that is both sustainable and effective, as well as improving service accessibility and quality. At the time of writing the master's thesis, reform changes proposed by the ZDOsk were being planned, so future studies will have to examine whether the designed and implemented reforms have finally resolved the problem addressed by the master's thesis.

Keywords:long-term care, epidemic, reforms, EU, quality, financial performance

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