
Procesna analiza izdaje soglasij za priključitev sončnih elektrarn : magistrsko delo
ID Kuhar, Jan (Author), ID Kovač, Polonca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Osnovni cilj magistrskega dela je osvetliti aktualno tematiko priključevanja samooskrbnih sončnih naprav v luči procesne analize izdajanja soglasij za priključitev (SZP) sončnih elektrarn. Delo temelji na teoriji o izdajanju soglasij, pri kateri so v ospredju področni predpisi – Energetski zakon, Zakon o oskrbi z električno energijo, Zakon o spodbujanju rabe obnovljivih virov energije ter Sistemska obratovalna navodila za distribucijski sistem električne energije – in subsidiarna uporaba ZUP. Predstavljen je sam proces izdajanja SZP in tudi avtonomija Republike Slovenije pri slednjem glede na nacionalne pravne ureditve v razmerju do prava EU. Empirični del združuje statistični prikaz, analizo odgovorov na krajši strukturirani vprašalnik ter evalvacijo primera sodne prakse. Najprej smo predstavili statistični prikaz števila izdanih SZP v slovenskih elektrodistribucijskih podjetjih, s katerim smo potrdili domneve eksponentne rasti števila vlog SZP v zadnjih letih. Z namenom objektivizacije problematike uporabe ZUP in področnih zakonov v praksi smo pripravili krajši strukturirani vprašalnik za vodje referentov v slovenskih elektrodistribucijskih podjetjih. Opravili smo tudi študijo primera sodne prakse Upravnega sodišča RS, ki je še dodatno potrdila izzive uporabe ZUP v praksi pri izdajanju SZP. Na podlagi analize odgovorov v sklopu krajšega strukturiranega vprašalnika smo ugotovili, da je ZUP v postopku izdajanja SZP večinoma sprejet kot administrativna ovira oz. breme, kar seveda zaradi njegove subsidiarne rabe v teoriji ne drži. Potrebne so predvsem korenite spremembe znotraj področnih zakonov, česar si želijo tudi referenti.

Keywords:upravni postopek, soglasje za priključitev sončnih elektrarn, ZUP, elektrodistribucijska podjetja, samooskrbne sončne elektrarne
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Kuhar]
Number of pages:X, 75 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149566 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:163703811 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Process analysis of issuing consensus for connection of solar power plants
The main aim of the thesis is to highlight the current topic of connecting self-sufficient solar power plants in the light of the process analysis of issuing consensuses for the connection of solar power plants. The thesis is based on the theory of issuing consensuses, in which the specific legislation – the Energy Act, the Electricity Supply Act, the Act on the Promotion of the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and the System Operating Instructions for the Electricity Distribution System – is in the foreground together with the subsidiary use of the GAP. Also presented is the process of issuing consensuses, and the autonomy of the Republic of Slovenia regarding the latter in relation to national legal regulations in relation to EU law. The empirical part combines statistical presentation of the issuance of consensuses, analysis of answers to the questionnaire, and evaluation of the judicial practice. First presented is a statistical display of the number of issued consensuses for the connection of solar power plants in Slovenian electricity distribution companies, which confirms the assumptions of the exponential growth in the number of issued consensuses in recent years. In order to objectify the problem of issuing the consensuses using the GAP and specific legislation in practice, a short structured questionnaire is conducted for managers of clerks in Slovenian electricity distribution companies. Also conducted is a case study of the case of the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia, which further confirms the challenges of using the GAP in practice when issuing consensuses. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire, it has been found that the GAP is mostly accepted as an administrative obstacle or burden in the process of issuing consensuses, which cannot be true in theory due to its subsidiary use. Above all, radical changes are needed within the specific legislation, which is also what the clerks want.

Keywords:administrative procedure, consensus for the connection of solar power plants, GAP, electricity distribution companies, self-sufficient solar power plants

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