
Optimizacija ekstrakcije izbranih onesnaževal z mikroplastike v vodnih vzorcih
ID Tomažin, Natalija (Author), ID Prosen, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem svetu se soočamo s številnimi okoljskimi in zdravstvenimi izzivi, med njimi je eden večjih globalnih problemov mikroplastika. V povezavi z mikroplastiko so pomembna tudi onesnaževala, obravnavana v mojem diplomskem delu, in sicer ftalati, policiklični aromatski ogljikovodiki (PAH) in bisfenoli. Ftalati in bisfenoli so sestavine plastike, PAH pa imajo sposobnost adsorpcije na delce plastike. Vsem trem skupinam onesnaževal je skupno, da so endokrini motilci, imajo negativen vpliv na reproduktivni sistem, lahko so potencialno karcinogeni, nekateri pa imajo tudi sposobnost bioakumulacije. V svojem diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na optimizacijo ekstrakcije na trdno fazo (SPE) za dimetil ftalat, dietil ftalat, dibutil ftalat, naftalen, acenaften, fenantren, fluoranten, bisfenol A in bisfenol S. Primerjala sem različne ekstrakcijske kolone, preizkusila koncentriranje ekstrakta, različna elucijska topila in njihove volumne, ovrednotila vpliv ionske moči in pH vzorca ter koraka spiranja na izkoristke SPE, izvedla poskus določitve prebojnega volumna in dokazala ponovljivost ekstrakcije. Z ekstrakcijo na trdno fazo, pri kateri sem uravnoteženi hidrofilno-lipofilni sorbent (HLB) kondicionirala s 5 mL metanola, uravnotežila s 5 mL Milli-Q vode, nanesla 20 mL vodne raztopine onesnaževal s približno koncentracijo 1 mg/L in dodatkom 5 ut.% NaCl, sprala kolono s 5 mL Milli-Q vode in izvedla elucijo s 4 mL MeOH : ACN : EtOAc = 1 : 3 : 1 (V/V/V), sem dosegla izkoristke v območju 79,5–101,2 % za ftalate, 30,7–51,1 % za PAH in 99,5–100,9 % za bisfenola. Za kvantifikacijo analitov sem uporabila vnaprej optimizirano metodo tekočinske kromatografije visoke ločljivosti z detektorjem z nizom diod (HPLC-DAD).

Keywords:ftalati, policiklični aromatski ogljikovodiki, bisfenoli, ekstrakcija na trdno fazo, tekočinska kromatografija visoke ločljivosti (HPLC)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149548 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164418051 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2023
TOMAŽIN, Natalija, 2023, Optimizacija ekstrakcije izbranih onesnaževal z mikroplastike v vodnih vzorcih [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Optimization of extraction for selected pollutants from microplastics in water samples
In today's world, we face numerous environmental and health challenges, with microplastics being one of the biggest global problems. The category of pollutants related to microplastics, which pose a risk to the environment and health, also includes the pollutants discussed in my work: phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and bisphenols. Phthalates and bisphenols are ingredients in plastics, while PAHs have the ability to adsorb onto plastic particles. All three groups of pollutants share the characteristics of being endocrine disruptors and have a negative impact on the reproductive system. They can potentially be carcinogenic, and some can also bioaccumulate. In my bachelor’s thesis, I focused on optimization of solid-phase extraction (SPE) of the dimethyl phthalate, diethyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, naphthalene, acenaphthene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene, bisphenol A, and bisphenol S. The studied parameters related to extraction recoveries were: different types of SPE cartridges, various elution solvents and their volumes, the influence of solvent evaporation, ionic strength and pH of the sample, and washing step. A breakthrough volume determination experiment was conducted, and the reproducibility of the extraction was demonstrated. Using solid phase extraction, the HLB cartridge was conditioned with 5 mL of methanol and equilibrated with 5 mL of Milli-Q water. 20 mL aqueous solution of pollutants with an approximate concentration of 1 mg/L and the 5 wt.% NaCl addition was applied. The cartridge was washed with 5 mL of Milli-Q water. Elution was performed using 4 mL of MeOH : ACN : EtOAc = 1 : 3 : 1 (V/V/V), and extraction recoveries were achieved in the range of 79.5% to 101.2% for phthalates, 30.7% to 51.1% for PAHs, and 99.5% to 100.9% for bisphenols. For the quantification of the analytes, a pre-optimized HPLC-DAD method was applied.

Keywords:phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, bisphenols, solid-phase extraction, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

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