
Tehnike skrbi zase pri stiskah študentk socialnega dela : diplomsko delo
ID Ilovar, Kim (Author), ID Rakovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Socialno delo je zahteven poklic, pri katerem morajo socialni delavci pokazati empatijo, sočutje in potrpljenje. Da bi se socialni delavci ustrezno soočili s tveganji tega poklica, je potrebno, da zato razvijejo ustrezne tehnike skrbi zase. Te lahko z ustrezno podporo razvijejo že v času študija socialnega dela. S prepoznavo tveganj poklicev pomoči in podpore je skrb zase ponekod po svetu že postala tema, vključena v izobraževalne programe. Duševno zdravje spremljajo stiske, ki so del vsakega izmed nas. Obdobje mladosti je za študente stresen čas, poln sprememb in tveganj, ki lahko vodijo v stiske. Stiske lahko z izvajanjem tehnik skrbi zase omilimo in s tem vplivamo na počutje. Različnih tehnik skrbi zase je ogromno, razdelimo jih lahko na tehnike fizične, psihološke, emocionalne, duhovne in poklicne skrbi zase. Tovrstne tehnike se lahko med sabo tesno prepletajo. Tehnike skrbi zase niso univerzalne, zato je uporaba tehnike odvisna od želj, potreb in izkušenj posameznika. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela sem predstavila temo duševnega zdravja s poudarkom na definiciji duševnega zdravja in opisu duševnega zdravja in stisk, ki jih doživlja študentska populacija. Nadaljevala sem s temo skrbi zase in jo predstavila v kontekstu poklicev podpore in pomoči ter v kontekstu izobraževanja. Sledila je tema tehnike skrbi zase, kjer sem na kratko predstavila nekaj najbolj poznanih tehnik skrbi zase. V svojem diplomskem delu sem se osredotočala na raziskovanje tehnik skrbi zase, ki jih pri spoprijemanju s svojimi stiskami uporabljajo študentke socialnega dela. Izvedla sem kvalitativno raziskavo, podatke pa sem zbirala z metodo delno strukturiranega intervjuja. Zanimalo me je, kako študentke opredeljujejo duševno zdravje, s kakšnimi stiskami se spoprijemajo, kakšne tehnike skrbi zase uporabljajo, od kod pridobivajo znanje o tehnikah skrbi zase in kakšno vlogo ima Fakulteta za socialno delo pri razvoju tehnik skrbi zase pri študentkah. Ugotovila sem, da študentke ocenjujejo, da je njihovo duševno zdravje dobro, z občasnimi obdobji stisk. Veliko stisko jim predstavlja študij socialnega dela. Stiske lajšajo predvsem z gibanjem in druženjem. O tehnikah skrbi zase se v večini učijo preko spleta. Izpostavljajo pomanjkanje vsebin skrbi zase tekom študija socialnega dela na Fakulteti za socialno delo, Univerzi v Ljubljani. Rezultati raziskave omogočajo uvid v uporabo tehnik skrbi zase med študentkami, s tem pa tudi dobro podlago za uvajanje vsebin skrbi zase v predmetnik na študiju socialnega dela na Fakulteti za socialno delo.

Keywords:skrb zase, tehnike skrbi zase, socialno delo, duševno zdravje, stiske
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Ilovar]
Number of pages:65 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149419 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:200041219 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Self-care techniques among social work students in distress
Social work is a demanding profession where social workers must demonstrate empathy, compassion and patience. For social workers to adequately face the risks of this profession, it is necessary to develop appropriate self-care techniques. With appropriate support, they can develop these already during their studies in social work. With the recognition of the risks of support and assistance professions, self-care has already become a topic included in educational programs in some parts of the world. Mental health is accompanied by hardships that are a part of each of us. The period of youth is a stressful time for students, full of changes and risks that can lead to hardships. Distress can be alleviated and improved by practising self-care techniques. There are many different techniques of self-care, which can be divided into physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and professional self-care techniques. These types of techniques can be closely intertwined. Self-care techniques are not universal, so the use of the technique depends on the wishes, needs and experiences of individuals. In the theoretical part of the thesis, I presented the topic of mental health with an emphasis on the definition of mental health and a description of mental health and the hardships experienced by the student population. I continued with the topic of self-care and presented it in the context of support and help professions and in the context of education. The topic of self-care techniques followed, where I briefly presented some of the most known and used self-care techniques. In my thesis, I focused on researching self-care techniques that students of social work use to cope with their difficulties. I conducted qualitative research, and I collected data using the semi-structured interview method. I was interested in how students define mental health, what difficulties they face, what self-care techniques they use, where they get knowledge about self-care techniques, and what is the position of the Faculty of Social Work in developing self-care techniques among students. I found that students rate their mental health as good, with occasional periods of distress. Studying social work is a big hardship for them. Stress is relieved primarily by movement and socializing. Self-care techniques are mostly learned online. The students highlight the lack of self-care content during their social work studies at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana. The results of the research contain insight into the use of self-care techniques among students, and thus also a good basis for introducing the content of self-care into the subjects of social work studies at the Faculty of Social Work.

Keywords:self-care, self-care techniques, social work, mental health, distress

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