The purpose of this thesis is to analyse night sky photography throughout the history of photography, to study what is necessary for the successful production of night sky photography in practice and to analyse the difference between night sky photography in the centre and northeast of Slovenia. This bachelor’s thesis consists of an experimental part, a theoretical part, and a discussion of results. The theoretical part presents how Astro photography evolved through time. The equipment needed to capture night sky photos today is presented, as what settings are used and how we can use all the knowledge from the past when most of this information was already available in different smartphone apps. Northern lights are also presented, how they form, how to capture them and how to work on the field. How scientists capture space photos using telescopes is presented. Furthermore, final night sky photography in Slovenia and Finland is compared. The experimental part begins with the presentation of the equipment used (Sony a700, Sony a7ii, Sony a7s ii and iPhone 13), and how the photography was carried out in the field, as well as how the photos were edited. In the end, there are also recommendations on how to take solid photos at night with a phone today. In the discussion part, all the photos taken, what is on them and which methods we used to capture them are presented. The result of this bachelor’s work are night sky photos in Slovenia and Finland and recommendations on how to capture them.