
Upravljanje električnega pogona vozička z zaznavanjem sile na ročaj
ID Makarovič, Tjaš (Author), ID Vrabič, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Škulj, Gašper (Comentor)

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Električni pogoni vse pogosteje nadomeščajo ali dopolnjujejo klasične, saj so z razvojem baterij in krmilne tehnike postali učinkoviti in natančno nadzorljivi. Tako tudi na področju vrtnih vozičkov srečamo primere uporabe elektromotorjev za pomoč pri njihovem upravljanju. Vendar pa je tu treba zagotoviti vmesnik, ki uporabniku omogoča intuitivno in enostavno upravljanje. V zaključnem delu je predstavljen postopek izdelave krmilnega sistema ročaja, za intuitivno krmiljenje električnega pogona prek zaznavanja uporabnikove sile aplicirane na ročaj, namenjenega uporabi v vozičkih. V prvem delu je predstavljeno teoretično ozadje ključnih izbranih komponent, ki omogočajo izdelavo krmilnega sistema. V drugem delu pa je opisan postopek izdelave tako mehanskega, kot elektronskega in programskega dela krmilnega sistema. Sistem smo tudi preizkusili ter prišli do ugotovitve, da v izvedeni obliki ne omogoča intuitivne uporabe.

Keywords:intuitivno upravljanje, električni pogon, obremenitvena celica, aplicirana sila, voziček, Arduino
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Makarovič]
Number of pages:XII, 29, [3] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149400 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168928515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Controlling the electric drive of a cart by detecting force on the handle
Electric drives are increasingly replacing or supplementing traditional ones, as the development of batteries and control techniques has made them efficient and precisely controllable. Therefore also in the field of garden carts, we encounter examples of the use of electric motors to assist in their control. However, an interface must be provided that allows the user intuitive and simple control. The thesis presents the process of creating a handle control system for intuitive control of the electric drive by detecting the user applied force on the handle intended for use in carts. The first part presents the theoretical background of the key selected components that enable the creation of the control system. The second part describes the process of creating both the mechanical and electronic parts of the control system, as well as the software part. We also tested the system and came to the conclusion that, in its implemented form, it does not allow intuitive use.

Keywords:intuitive control, electric drive, load cell, applied force, cart, Arduino

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