
Načrtovanje in oblikovanje prenove spletne strani “Učitelj sem”
ID Založnik, Sara (Author), ID Guna, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil izvesti celovito prenovo spletnega mesta »Učitelj sem! Učiteljica sem!« s poudarkom na uporabniški izkušnji in uporabniško usmerjenem oblikovanju. V teoretičnem delu predstavljamo proces tovrstnega oblikovanja, pri katerem so v ospredju potrebe ciljnega uporabnika. Proces ključuje raziskavo uporabnikovih zahtev, izdelavo prototipov, testiranje in izpopolnjevanje oblikovane zasnove na podlagi uporabnikovih povratnih informacij. V eksperimentalnem delu smo se na teorijo uporabniško usmerjenega oblikovanja oprli pri prenovi navedenega spletnega mesta. Pri raziskovanju smo uporabili kombinacijo kvantitativnih in kvalitativnih metod. Pri analizi obstoječega spletnega mesta smo preučili njegovo strukturo, vsebino in uporabniški vmesnik. Analizirali smo tudi vedenje uporabnikov, npr. pogostost obiskov spletnega mesta in dolžino obiskov posameznih strani. Za vpogled v dobre prakse in trende na področju uporabniško usmerjenega oblikovanja smo izvedli tudi analizo podobnih spletnih mest. Vključevala je preučevanje uporabniških vmesnikov, vizualnih elementov, barvnih shem ter uporabnosti. Sledila je raziskava, kjer smo udeležence opazovali pri uporabi obstoječega spletnega mesta, pri čemer smo uporabili metodo glasnega razmišljanja, izpolnili pa so tudi vprašalnik. To nam je omogočilo vpogled v njihove potrebe, želje in frustracije v povezavi s spletnim mestom. Anketirali smo tudi člane ekipe projekta, da bi razumeli njihove cilje, pričakovanja in zahteve glede nove spletne strani. Njihove informacije so bile pomembne, saj smo želeli izpolniti tako potrebe uporabnikov kot cilje projekta. Izdelava spletnega mesta je potekala v več fazah, in sicer smo na podlagi v raziskavah pridobljenih informacij uporabnikov izdelali nizkoverodostojne in nato visokoverodostojne žične diagrame za vizualizacijo prenovljenega oblikovanja. Izdelava diagramov je potekala v orodju Figma; diagrame smo sproti dopolnjevali glede na podatke, pridobljene s testiranjem njihove uporabnosti in analizo vedenja njihovih uporabnikov. Hkrati smo razvili tudi informacijsko arhitekturo za optimizacijo pretoka informacij in lažjo navigacijo po spletnem mestu. Raziskovalni del nam je omogočil poglobljen uvid v ciljne skupine uporabnikov in njihove potrebe. Pri ponavljanju testov smo prilagajali diagrame in se s tem vedno bolj uspešno približevali uporabniškim zahtevam. S tem so se nam razkrile nove možnosti za izboljšanje uporabnosti in funkcionalnosti spletnega mesta, končni rezultat pa je bila kakovostnejša uporabniška izkušnja.

Keywords:uporabniška izkušnja, uporabniško usmerjeno oblikovanje, žični diagrami, testni uporabniki, analiza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149383 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Planning and designing renewal of “I’m a Teacher” website
The aim of the thesis was to carry out a comprehensive redesign of the "I'm a teacher!” website, with a focus on user experience and user-centred design. In the theoretical part, we deal with the process of this type of design, in which the needs of the target user are in the foreground. The key aspects of the process are researching the user's requirements, creating prototypes and then testing and perfecting their design based on the user's feedback. In the experimental part of the thesis, we relied on user-centred design theory to redesign the abovementioned website. In the research, we used a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. In analysing the existing website, we examined its structure, content and user interface. We also looked at user behaviour data such as the frequency of website visits and the time spent there. We also carried out an analysis of similar websites to gain insight into best practices and trends in user-centred design. This included studying their user interfaces, visual elements, colour schemes and usability. The next part of the research consisted of observing the participants in their use of the existing website, using the think aloud method, and they also filled in a questionnaire. This gave us insight into their needs, preferences and frustrations in relation to the website. We also surveyed project team members to understand their goals, expectations and requirements for the new website. Their information was important as we wanted to meet both the needs of the users as well as the project goals. The creation of the website took place in several stages; based on the user information obtained through our research, we created low-fidelity and then high-fidelity wireframes to visualise the renewed design. The wireframes were created using the Figma tool; they were modified as we went along, in line with the data obtained by testing their usability and analysing the behaviour of their users. At the same time, we also developed an information architecture to optimise the information flow and enhance the website navigation. The research part provided us with an in-depth insight into the target user groups and their needs. In repeating the tests, we adjusted the wireframes and thereby came closer and closer to fulfilling the user requirements. This opened up new possibilities for improving the usability and functionality of the website, with a better user experience as the result.

Keywords:user experience, user-centred design, wireframes, test users, analysis

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