
Uporaba metode ScanLag za spremljanje rasti bakterijskih kolonij
ID Milošević, Mateja (Author), ID Hadži, San (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Hitrost bakterijske rasti je eden od temeljnih mikrobioloških parametrov. Ocenimo ga lahko z merjenjem optične gostote v različnih časovnih intervalih. Na ta način določimo čas podvojitve za celotno populacijo. Vendar tovrstna analiza na nivoju celotne populacije lahko spregleda pomembno celično heterogenost, kot so na primer razlike v hitrosti rasti posameznih kolonij. Če želimo bolj podrobno razumeti fenotipsko heterogenost ali same procese na ravni posamezne kolonije, potrebujemo metodo, ki bi torej spremljala rast posameznih kolonij. V ta namen smo testirali funkcionalnost metode ScanLag za spremljanje rasti bakterijskih kolonij in raziskali možnosti njene uporabe. V raziskavi smo načrtovali in izvajali poskuse, ki so zajeli različne pogoje rasti. Želeli smo dobiti vpogled v kinetiko rasti posameznih bakterijskih kolonij in ugotoviti omejitve metode in pripadajočega programa za analizo. Metoda temelji na avtomatičnem zajemanju slik bakterijskih kolonij na agaroznih ploščah z uporabo pisarniškega skenerja. Za analizo smo uporabili računalniške programe narejene na platformi MatLab. Analiza je avtomatična in hitra, ScanLag programi pa so brezplačni. Z avtomatično analizo slik smo spremljali širitve posameznih kolonij in tako določili hitrost rasti.

Keywords:ScanLag, hitrost rasti, spremljanje rasti posameznih kolonij
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149327 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168326147 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2023
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Title:Using the ScanLag method to monitor the growth of bacterial colonies
Bacterial growth rate serves as a fundamental parameter in microbiology. Typically, this aspect is assessed by measuring the optical density at different time intervals. In this way, the doubling time of the entire population can be measured. However, population-level analyses may miss important heterogeneity that is present at the single-cell level. For this reason, if we want to understand in more detail the phenotypic heterogeneities or the processes themselves at the level of individual colonies, it is desirable to monitor the growth of individual cells. For this purpose, we tested the functionality of the ScanLag method for monitoring the growth of bacterial colonies and explored the possibilities of its use. To execute this investigation, we carried out experiments that would cover different growth conditions to gain insight into the growth kinetics of individual bacterial colonies, as well as to test the limitations of the ScanLag program itself. The method is based on the automatic capture of images of bacterial colonies on agarose plates using a commercial scanner. For the analysis, we used computer programs developed using MatLab. The analysis was automatic and fast, and the ScanLag programs were free. With automatic image analysis, we could monitor the expansion of individual colonies, and thus determine the speed of growth.

Keywords:ScanLag, growth rate, monitoring individual colony growth

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