
Analiza dviga napetosti na srednjenapetostnem izvodu razdelilne transformatorske postaje zaradi vpliva sončnih elektrarn
ID VERDEV, ŽAN (Author), ID Blažič, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena analiza napetostnih profilov srednjenapetostnega izvoda KB PRISTAVA : K143 zaradi vpliva sočnih elektrarn. Sončne elektrarne se vse bolj razširjajo po celotnem elektroenergetskem sistemu, kjer puščajo vse večji vpliv na sistem. Največji vpliv predstavlja povišanje napetosti nizkonapetostnega in srednjenapetostnega omrežja ob nasičenih omrežjih s sončnimi elektrarnami. Operaterji omrežij morajo biti sedaj še toliko bolj pozorni, da so napetosti v dovoljenih mejah, določenih s standardi. Za ohranjanje standardnih napetosti je vsekakor potrebno obnavljati omrežje in določiti nizkonapetostne transformatorje v pravilni nivo obratovanja skladno z razmerami na omrežjih. Diplomska naloga bo tako sestavljena iz predstavitve delovanja, priključevanja in obratovanja sončnih elektrarn, predstavitve problematike dvigovanja napetosti zaradi vpliva razpršenih virov električne energije in kratke predstavitve omrežja podjetja Elektro Celje, d.d. na analiziranem območju. Sama analiza napetostnih profilov je sestavljena iz dveh delov, kjer sem prvič pregledal napetostne razmere v različnih letnih obdobjih, kadar imajo sončne elektrarne različne pogoje obratovanja. Drugi del analize predstavlja napetostne profile skozi celoten dan v dveh različno sončno obsevanih dneh.

Keywords:napetostni profili, sončne elektrarne, nasičenost omrežja, analiza, distribucijsko omrežje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149323 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:163516419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of voltage rise on a medium-voltage distribution substation feeder due to the impact of solar power plants
This thesis presents an analysis of the voltage profiles of the medium voltage substation KB PRISTAVA : K143 due to the impact of solar power plants. Solar power plants are increasingly spreading throughout the power system, where they are leaving a growing impact on the system. The most significant impact is the increase in the voltage of the low and medium voltage grids when the grid is saturated with solar power plants. Grid operators now have to be even more vigilant to ensure that voltages are within the permissible limits set by the standards. In order to maintain standard voltages, it is absolutely necessary to renew the grid and to set low voltage transformers to the correct operating level in line with the grid conditions. The thesis will therefore consist of a presentation of the operation, connection and operation of solar power plants, a presentation of the problem of voltage rise due to the influence of dispersed sources of electricity and a brief presentation of the network of Elektro Celje, d.d. in the area analysed. The voltage profile analysis itself consists of two parts, where I first looked at the voltage conditions at different times of the year, when solar power plants have different operating conditions. The second part of the analysis presents the voltage profiles throughout the day on two days with different solar irradiation.

Keywords:voltage profiles, solar power plants, grid saturation, analysis, distribution network

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