
Vloga posvojiteljev pri oblikovanju osebne identitete otroka, ki je posvojen : diplomsko delo
ID Mirtek, Sara (Author), ID Mešl, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu bom pisala o vlogi posvojiteljev pri raziskovanju identitete posvojenega otroka. Obdobje adolescence je namreč čas, ko otrok vse bolj intenzivno raziskuje lastno identiteto in izvor. Zdi se mi pomembno, da se teh izzivov začnemo zavedati tudi na področju posvojitve, saj otrok dejstva, da je posvojen, ne more kar tako zanikati. To je nekaj, s čimer živi. Zanima me torej, kakšno vlogo ima posvojitev pri oblikovanju in razvoju otrokove identitete, do kakšne mere ga ta zaznamuje. Zagotovo starši najbolj vplivajo na otroka, še posebej v obdobju otroštva, ko je vzgoja še bolj intenzivna in pomembna. Kljub mnogim zelo uspešnim posvojitvam se dandanes starši soočajo z mnogimi izzivi na področju vzgoje in tudi z izzivi, ki nastopijo v obdobju otrokovega raziskovanja lastne identitete. Zanimalo me bo, kako se s tem spopadajo, predvsem so dragocene njihove osebne izkušnje. Dotaknila se bom tudi vloge posvojiteljev in pomoči, ki so jo prejeli, predvsem od socialnih delavk in delavcev. Zanima me tudi, kaj bi v določenih trenutkih še potrebovali za podporo pri starševstvu in kaj bi jih pri tem razbremenilo. Raziskovala sem doživljanje posvojenih posameznikov in posvojiteljev. Z njimi sem izvedla delno standardiziran intervju. Zanimala me je njihova izkušnja in njihov pogled na vlogo posvojiteljev ter vlogo socialnega dela pri oblikovanju identitete otroka, ki je posvojen. Ugotovila sem, da imajo nekateri posamezniki v obdobju adolescence potrebo po raziskovanju osebne identitete, zato jim to potrebno omogočiti. S strani posvojiteljev je pomemben odkrit odnos in spoštovanje otrokovih bioloških staršev. Posvojitelji morajo otroku zagotavljati varen prostor, kjer se lahko izraža. Najpomembnejša vloga socialnega dela na področju posvojitev pa je pomoč in podpora. Svojo identiteto so nekateri sogovorniki že intenzivno raziskovali, srečali so se z biološko družino in tudi ohranjajo vezi.

Keywords:posvojitev, posvojeni otrok, posvojitelji, biološki starši, otrokov izvor, identiteta, adolescenca, oblikovanje identitete, socialno delo, družina
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Mirtek]
Number of pages:149 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149301 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:204010243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The Role of Adoptive Parents in the Adoptee’s Personal Identity Formation
In my Graduation thesis I write about the role of adoptive parents in researching the identity of the adopted child. The period of adolescence is a time when the child increasingly intensively explores his own identity and origin. I think it is essential that we become aware of these challenges in the area of adoption as well, because a child cannot simply deny the fact that he is adopted – it is something he internalizes. Main focus was the role of adoption in the formation and development of a child's identity. Certainly, parents have the most important influence on a child especially during childhood when education is even more intensive. Despite many very successful adoptions, many parents are faced with many challenges in the field of education and also with challenges that arise during the period of the child's exploration of his own identity. I was interested in how they deal with it, especially their personal experiences that are so valuable. Main point of my degree was the role of adoptive parents and the help they received, especially from social workers. I am also interested in what they would need in certain moments for parenting and support, what would relieve them of this. I researched the experiences of individuals, who are adopted and adoptive parents. I conducted a partially standardized interview. I was interested in their experience and their view on the role of adoptive parents and the role of social work in child’s identity development. I have found that some individuals have a strong desire to explore their personal identity so this gives them the necessary opportunity. It is also crucial that adoptive parents respect child's biological parents. Adoptive parents must provide the child with a safe space where anything can be expressed. The main role of social work is helping and supporting families. Some interlocutors, who researched their identity intensively, have also met their biological family.

Keywords:adoption, adopted child, adoptive parents, biological parents, child's origin, identity, adolescence, identity formation, social work, family

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