
Stiske študentk in študentov ter študij na Fakulteti za socialno delo : diplomsko delo
ID Zamida, Tea (Author), ID Urek, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu se osredotočam na izkušnje študija na Fakulteti za socialno delo študentk in študentov z izkušnjo stiske. V pregledu problematike sem na kratko opisala duševno zdravje, pogoste dejavnike stresa pri mladih in kako se z njim spopadajo, njihove pogoste stiske, ki se vežejo na odraščanje ter študij, in pomoč, ki jim je na voljo. Opredelila sem tudi povezavo med duševnim zdravjem ter zasebnim življenjem in študijem, nazadnje pa še znanje iz izkušenj. Raziskovala sem, kako se študentke in študentje socialnega dela soočajo s tematikami, ki jih pokriva učni načrt posameznih predmetov v razmerju z lastno stisko in kakšno podporo prejmejo, če jim ta sploh je na voljo. Zanimalo me je še, kako je znanje iz izkušenj študentov sprejeto s strani profesorjev in asistentov, katerih predmeti naslavljajo tudi njihove lastne stiske. Za namen pridobitve teh podatkov sem uporabila metodo delno standardiziranega, odprtega intervjuja, da sem lahko zbrala besedne opise neslučajnostnega in priložnostnega vzorca petih sogovornic. Vodilo za intervju je vključevalo vprašanja o sami stiski, njenem pojavu in izkušnji na Fakulteti za socialno delo, kakšna so bila pričakovanja glede podpore in pomoči, kaj je povzročalo dodaten stres in kaj iz učnega načrta je bilo v pomoč za lastno premagovanje stiske. Preko izvedene kvalitativne analize sem prišla do ugotovitev, da študentke in študenti potrebujejo veliko empatije in sprejetosti s strani profesorjev, da bi lahko podelili svoje stiske. V učnem načrtu pa bi si želeli več tem, ki naslavljajo konkretne težave z duševnim zdravjem in tehnike pomoči, katere bi lahko uporabili tako v poklicni praksi kot za lajšanje osebnih stisk. Študentkam znanje iz lastnih izkušenj pomaga osmisliti teorijo in jo kritično ovrednotiti; večinoma so te izkušnje cenjene tudi znotraj učnega procesa. Nastali sklepi in predlogi bodo v pomoč izvajalcem predmetov in organizaciji podpore za študente, da se bodo vsi študentje počutili sprejete in slišane, nobena tema pa ne bo prezahtevna, da bi se z njo morali ukvarjati sami, ali bi celo poglobila obstoječo stisko.

Keywords:stiske študentov, Fakulteta za socialno delo, podpora študentom, znanje iz izkušenj
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Zamida]
Number of pages:105 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149300 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:204804611 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Students' Distress and Studying at the Faculty of Social Work
In my graduation thesis, I am focusing on the experience of students suffering from distress who study at the Faculty of Social Work. In the review of the issue, I have shortly described mental health, common factors of stress among young people and how they cope with it, their common difficulties, connected with growing up and studying, and available help. I have also defined a connection between mental health, personal life, university and knowledge from experience. I investigated how social work students deal with the topics covered by the curriculum of individual subjects concerning their own distress and what kind of support is available to them, if any at all. I also wanted to find out how students’ knowledge from experience is accepted by professors and assistants whose teaching subjects cover students' distress. To gather this information, I used a partially standardized open interview method to collect descriptions from my non-probability random sample of five interlocutors. The interview guide consisted of questions about their distress, its occurrence and what their experience in connection to studying at the Faculty of Social Work was, what their expectations regarding help and support were, what caused additional stress and what from the curriculum was of any help for surmounting personal distress. Through qualitative analysis, I found out that students need a lot of empathy and acceptance from their professors to share their distress and experience. They would want more topics in the curriculum on how to address specific mental health problems and support techniques that could be used both in professional practice and to alleviate personal distress. For students, knowledge from their own experience helps them to make sense of theory and critically evaluate it; in most cases, this experience is also valued within the learning process. The resulting conclusions and proposals will help course providers and the organization of support for students to make all students feel accepted and heard, and no topic will be too challenging to be tackled alone or even deepen the existing distress.

Keywords:students' distress, Faculty of Social Work, students' support, experts by experience

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