
Zamreževanje biopolimerov za načrtovanje hidrogelov, uporabnih v biomedicinskih aplikacijah
ID Malić, Luka (Author), ID Kopač, Tilen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V uvodnem delu sem predstavil hidrogele, ki so se v zadnjih letih izkazali za zelo uporabne na najrazličnejših področjih. Opisal sem, kako jih delimo, ter se bolj poglobil v določeno skupino začetnih sestavin, in sicer v biopolimere. Pri vsaki skupini sem navedel tudi nekaj primerov uporabe. To vrsto polimerov sem izbral, ker menim, da so najbolj ustrezni za uporabo v biomedicinskih aplikacijah, predvsem zaradi netoksičnosti, biorazgradljivosti in biokompatibilnosti. Nadalje sem v diplomskem delu opisal in razložil najbolj uporabne načine zamreževanja, tako fizikalne, pri katerih se tvorijo sekundarne interakcije, kot tudi kemijske, kjer prevladujejo kovalentne interakcije. Na koncu je predstavljen tudi vpliv načina zamreževanja na načrtovanje hidrogelov uporabnih v biomedicinskih aplikacijah, ki je eden od ključnih parametrov. Opisana je tudi povezava med gostoto zamreženja in nekaterimi najpogostejšimi biomedicinskimi aplikacijami.

Keywords:hidrogeli, biomedicinske aplikacije, zamreževanje, gostota zamreženja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149288 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168037635 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2023
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Title:Crosslinking of biopolymers for the designing hydrogels useful in biomedical applications
In the introductory part, I presented hydrogels, which have proven to be very useful in a wide variety of fields in recent years. I described how they are divided and delved deeper into a particular group of starting ingredients, namely biopolymers. For each group, I have also given some examples of applications. I have chosen this type of polymer because I believe they are the most suitable for use in biomedical applications, mainly because of their non-toxicity, biodegradability and biocompatibility. Furthermore, in my thesis I have described and explained the most useful crosslinking methods, both physical, where secondary interactions are formed, and chemical, where covalent interactions predominate. Finally, the influence of the crosslinking method on the design of hydrogels useful in biomedical applications, which is one of the key parameters, is presented. The relationship between crosslinking density and some of the most common biomedical applications is also described.

Keywords:hydrogels, biomedical applications, crosslinking, crosslinking density

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