
Evaluacija zaporedne in vzporedne vezave hranilnikov toplote z in brez makroenkapsulacije
ID Žnidar Petelinšek, Rok (Author), ID Stritih, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi smo s pomočjo programskega orodja Microsoft Excel analizirali delovanje hranilnikov v verigi. Obravnavali smo vzporedno in zaporedno vezavo hranilnikov toplote. V prvem primeru smo obravnavali hranilnike toplote brez postopka makroenkapsulacije, v drugem primeru pa smo makroenkapsulacijo upoštevali in nato medsebojno primerjali rezultate meritev in karakteristiki obeh možnih vezav hranilnikov toplote. Rezultate smo kvalitativno, kvantitativno in grafično interpretirali ter potrdili njihovo pravilnost na podlagi predhodno obstoječih meritev. S tem smo prikazali enega izmed načinov souporabe več hranilnikov toplote hkrati in definirali karakteristiko takšnih sistemov. Skladno z rezultati smo lahko potrdili, da je ideja o povezovanju hranilnikov toplote v sistem več kot upravičena, saj bistveno pripomore k racionalnejši rabi energije. Meritve so bile izvedene na eksperimentališču v prostorih Laboratorija za ogrevalno, sanitarno in solarno tehniko na Fakulteti za strojništvo UL.

Keywords:hranilnik toplote, vezava hranilnikov toplote, racionalna raba energije, učinkovitost, shranjevanje energije, makroenkapsulacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[R. Žnidar Petelinšek]
Number of pages:XX, 42 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149162 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166024451 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of series and parallel connection of heat storage tanks with and withoutmacroencapsulations
In the thesis, we utilized the Microsoft Excel software tool to analyze the operation of storage tanks within a chain. We examined parallel and series connections of heat storage tanks. In the first case, we considered heat storage tanks without the macroencapsulation process, while in the second case, we incorporated macroencapsulation and subsequently compared the measurement results and characteristics of both possible configurations for connecting heat storage tanks. We interpreted the results qualitatively, quantitatively, and graphically, and validated their accuracy based on pre-existing measurements. Our analysis demonstrated one of the methods of concurrently using multiple heat storage tanks and defined the characteristics of such systems. In line with the results, we were able to confirm that the idea of interconnecting heat storage tanks in a system is more than justified, as it significantly contributes to more rational energy usage. The measurements were conducted at the experimental facilities of the Laboratory for Heating, Sanitary, and Solar Techniques at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana.

Keywords:thermal storage tank, multiple thermal storage tank connection, rational use of energy, efficieny, energy storage, macroencapsulation

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