
Analiza spletišč izbranih organizacij : diplomsko delo
ID Sušec, Valinea (Author), ID Keržič, Damijana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Spletne strani so postale ključno komunikacijsko orodje za predstavitev dela, izdelkov in storitev, z namenom doseči ciljne uporabnike. Kakovostno zasnovana struktura in skrbno izbrane informacije imajo velik vpliv na prepoznavnost podjetij. Ključno je posodabljati in vzdrževati spletne strani, saj se spletni trendi in uporabniške potrebe nenehno spreminjajo. Spremljanje analitike in povratnih informacij uporabnikov omogoča prilagajanje spletišča in izboljšanje uporabniške izkušnje ter doseganje marketinških ciljev. Učinkovite spletne strani zadovoljujejo potrebe in pričakovanja ciljnih uporabnikov z obliko, intuitivno navigacijo in hitrim nalaganjem vsebine, kar prispeva k pozitivni uporabniški izkušnji. Podjetja dosežejo uspeh v spletnem okolju z zasnovo, kakovostno vsebino in dovršenostjo spletnih strani. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti ključne lastnosti spletišč podjetij ter ugotoviti prednosti in slabosti analiziranih spletišč. Spletne strani se običajno ocenjujejo po oblikovni podobi, vsebini, navigaciji, uporabnosti, interaktivnosti in trženju izdelkov ali storitev. V raziskovalnem delu so identificirane prednosti in slabosti spletišč izbranih podjetij v lesni industriji. Metode raziskovanja vključujejo deskriptivno metodo za opisovanje značilnosti dobrega spletišča ter metodo analize in primerjave z namenom pridobiti vpogled v učinkovitost, uporabnost, vizualno podobo, navigacijo in vsebinsko kakovost spletišč. Izkazalo se je, da se spletišča izbranih podjetij razlikujejo po oblikovni podobi, podobna pa so si po vsebini in navigaciji. Analiza izbranih podjetij omogoča boljši vpogled v trenutno stanje ter nudi predloge za izboljšave. Na podlagi pridobljenih spoznanj analize se lahko sprejmejo ustrezni ukrepi za optimizacijo spletišč in izboljšanje uporabniške izkušnje, kar pripomore k povečanju prepoznavnosti, privlačnosti in uspešnosti podjetij v lesni industriji v spletnem okolju.

Keywords:kakovostna spletna stran, oblikovna podoba, zasnova spletnih strani, vsebina spletnih strani, uporabniška izkušnja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Sušec]
Number of pages:IX, 56 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149145 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:163224579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of websites of selected companies
Websites have become a key communication tool for presenting work, products and services, with the aim of reaching target users online. A well-designed structure and carefully selected information have a major impact on the visibility of companies. It is crucial to update and maintain websites as online trends and user needs are constantly changing. Monitoring analytics and user feedback allows you to adapt your website and improve the user experience and achieve your marketing objectives. Effective websites meet the needs and expectations of target users through design, intuitive navigation and fast loading content, which contributes to a positive user experience. Through design, quality content and website sophistication, businesses achieve success in the online environment. The aim of the thesis is to present the key features of the company websites and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the websites analysed. Websites are usually evaluated on the basis of their design, content, navigation, usability, interactivity and marketing of products or services. The strengths and weaknesses of the websites of selected companies in the timber industry are identified in this research work. The research methods include a descriptive method to describe the characteristics of a good website and an analysis and comparison method to gain insight into the effectiveness, usability, visual design, navigation and content quality of the websites. The websites of the selected companies were found to differ in terms of design, but to be similar in terms of content and navigation. The analysis of the companies studied provides a better insight into the current situation and offers suggestions for improvement. Based on the insights gained from the analysis, appropriate measures can be taken to optimise the websites and improve the user experience, which will help to increase the visibility, attractiveness and performance of companies in the timber industry in the online environment.

Keywords:quality website, design, website design, website content, user experience

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