
Ploskovna gradnja prostora in prostorski učinki barve v kolažu : diplomsko delo
ID Cerar, Petra (Author), ID Selan, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem diplomskem delu sem raziskovala principe ploskovne gradnje prostora in prostorskih učinkov barve v kolažu. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge sem ugotavljala, kako lahko z barvnimi ploskvami gradimo prostor in pri tem ohranimo čistost barv. Pri tem sem se osredotočala na bistvene lastnosti barv, to so barvnost, svetlost in nasičenost, in pa eno nebistveno, prosojnost. Barvo sem raziskala z likovno-teoretskega vidika in se posvetila njenemu odnosu s prostorom skozi dela umetnikov od impresionizma do današnjega dne. Posebno pozornost sem namenila kolažem različnih avtorjev, med drugim Henrija Matisseja, Ellswortha Kellya in drugih umetnikov, ki so na tak ali drugačen način zaznamovali omenjeno tehniko. Nekaj besed sem namenila tudi fotografiji, ki je s tehniko kolaža povezana že od njenih začetkov. Sama sem fotografijo v svojih delih uporabila kot osnovno idejo oz. motiv za izdelavo kolaža. V empiričnem delu diplomske naloge sem uporabo barve za izgradnjo prostora predstavila tudi skozi svoja lastna dela, v katerih sem posebno pozornost posvetila ploskovni vlogi, čistosti in prostorskim učinkom barve. Zanimalo me je, na kakšen način barva vpliva na vzpostavitev prostora v kolažu, ter kako lahko s pomočjo ploskovne rabe barve ustvarimo iluzijo prostora. Cilj moje diplomske naloge je bil raziskati možnosti za izgradnjo prostora z uporabo barve v kolažu in menim, da sem novo pridobljeno znanje iz teoretičnega dela diplomske naloge uspešno aplicirala v avtorske kolaže.

Keywords:barva, ploskev, dimenzije barve, ploskovna raba barve, prostorski učinki barve, kolaž
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Kamnik
Publisher:P. Cerar
Number of pages:70 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149107 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-149107 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:163160579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Planar Space Construction and the Spatial Effects of Colour in Collage
In my thesis, I researched the principles of constructing space through flat surfaces and the spatial effects of color in collages. In the theoretical part of the thesis, I examined how we can build space using color planes while preserving the purity of colors. I was focused on the essential characteristics of colors, namely hue, brightness, and saturation, as well as one non-essential aspect, transparency. I approached color from an art-theoretical perspective and explored its relationship with space through works of artists from the impressionist era to the present day. I paid special attention to collages by various authors, including Henri Matisse, Ellsworth Kelly, and other artists who have left their mark on this technique in different ways. I also mentioned photography, which has been connected to collage since its beginnings. In my own works, I used photography as a fundamental idea or motif for creating collages. In the empirical part of the thesis, I presented the use of color to construct space through my own artworks. I was particularly focused on the role of flatness, color purity, and spatial effects of color. I was interested in exploring how color influences the constuction of space in a collage and how we can create an illusion of depth through the use of color planes. The objective of my thesis was to investigate the possibilities of constructing space using color in collages, and I believe that I successfully applied the newly acquired knowledge from the theoretical part to my original collages.

Keywords:color, plane, color dimensions, planar use of color, spatial effects of color, collage

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