
Oblikovanje dojenčkovega dnevnika in njegove embalaže
ID Gorenc, Tjaša (Author), ID Vrabič Brodnjak, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj diplomskega dela je bil ustrezno oblikovan in dodelan dojenčkov dnevnik za dvojčke s pripadajočo embalažo, ki bi delovala tako distribucijsko kot zaščitno. Diplomsko delo sestoji iz dveh sklopov. V prvem sklopu smo razložili pomen otrokovega razvoja in otroških mejnikov, opisali značilnosti tiskovin, namenjenih otrokom, in opisali teoretične lastnosti tovrstnih tiskovin in embalaže. Osredotočili smo se na ustrezne barve, materiale, formate, tehnike tiska in načine dodelave. Raziskali smo tudi dojenčkove dnevnike na slovenskem trgu in podrobneje primerjali tri, ki so se nam zdeli uporabni in oblikovno dodelani. Vsebina drugega sklopa se začne z izbiro primernih programskih aplikacij in materialov za oba izdelka. Uporabili smo sklop programov Adobe in SketchUp, s pomočjo katerih smo oblikovali naša izdelka. Za izdelavo grafičnih izdelkov smo uporabili 120-gramski nepremazan papir in 3-milimetrski karton. Sledi opisovanje uporabljenih metod in postopkov dela, ki smo jih uporabili pri načrtovanju, oblikovanju in dodelavi naših končnih grafičnih izdelkov. Te so ilustriranje, oblikovanje, tisk in dodelava. Sledijo postopki izdelave izdelkov. Zatem je v razpravi opisan postopek oblikovanja, kjer so predstavljene vse vrste strani dnevnika in prototip embalaže. Prikažemo in ocenimo tudi rezultate ankete o uporabnosti dnevnika z embalažo. Rezultat diplomskega dela je fizično izdelan Dojenčkov dnevnik za dvojčke, ki je primerno oblikovan glede na ciljno skupino, je ustrezen za dolgotrajno uporabo, platnice pa poleg embalaže varujejo tudi notranjost dnevnika. Na koncu diplomskega dela je tudi prikaz dveh končnih izdelkov v obliki fotografij.

Keywords:dojenčkov dnevnik, dvojčki, dodelava, embalaža
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149056 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2023
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Title:Designing baby journal and its packaging
The goal of the thesis was a properly designed and finished baby diary for twins with the corresponding packaging, which would work both for distribution and protection. The thesis consists of two sections. In the first part, we explained the importance of child development and children's milestones, described the characteristics of printed materials intended for children, and described the theoretical properties of the elements used for printed diaries and packaging. We focused on the appropriate colors, materials, formats, printing techniques and finishing methods. We also researched baby diaries on the Slovenian market and compared in more detail three that we found useful and well-designed. The content of the second section begins with the selection of suitable software applications and materials for both products. We used a set of Adobe programs and the Sketchup program, with the help of which we designed our products. For the production of graphic products, we used 120 g uncoated paper and 3 mm cardboard. Following is a description of the methods used in the work processes, which are planning, design and finishing of our final graphic products. These are illustration, design, printing and finishing. The following are the product manufacturing procedures. After that, the design process is described in the discussion, and both the types of journal pages and the packaging prototype are presented. We also show and evaluate the results of a survey on the usability of the diary and the packaging. The result of the thesis is a physically produced »Baby Diary for Twins«, which is appropriately designed for the target group, suitable for long-term use, with panels that, along with the packaging, protect the inside of the diary. In the end, the thesis contains a presentation of the two final products in the form of photographs.

Keywords:baby diary, twins, finishing, packaging

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