
Vse večji izzivi svetovalnih služb v zadnjih petih letih v osnovnih in srednjih šolah celjske občine : magistrsko delo
ID Pečnik, Kristina (Author), ID Rakovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Šolske svetovalne službe so pred vse večjimi izzivi, ki so jih nekoč zaposlovale zlasti učne težave, v zadnjih petih letih pa lahko opazimo množičen porast teh z vse še bolj kompleksnimi problemi učencev in dijakov ter njihovih družin. V magistrskem delu tako raziskujem in želim ob pregledu strokovne literature ter z opravljenim raziskovalnim delom na področju celjske občine prikazati in opozoriti, kako in da se je svetovalno delo močno spremenilo v zadnjih petih letih, na kar je še posebej vplivala tudi epidemija koronavirusa. Težav in stisk je zelo veliko in so raznovrstne, nekatere zahtevajo zelo poglobljeno znanje in veščine. V času epidemije se je celo izkazalo, da svetovalci potrebujejo specifična znanja iz področja duševnega zdravja. Vsi ti pojavi zahtevajo od svetovalnih delavcev veliko več angažiranosti, kot jo je bilo potrebne včasih. Prav tako administrativno delo in delovne naloge, ki niso neposredno povezane s svetovanjem, svetovalnim delavcem odvzamejo veliko ur na teden, kar lahko svetovalnim delavcem predstavlja nepotreben stres, občutek nekompetentnosti in neizpolnjenosti v odnosu do učencev. Teoretična spoznanja in izsledki te raziskave so lahko nov uvid v svetovalno delo na šolah. Magistrsko delo bo pripomoglo k spoznanju (pre)obremenitve svetovalnega dela in k temu, kaj bi potrebovali svetovalni delavci, da bi lahko še kompetentneje opravljali svoje naloge. Najpomembneje pa, kako bi se lahko svetovalno delo vrnilo k svoji prvotni nalogi – da je svetovalni delavec tam zgolj in samo za učence in dijake, njegove družine ter učitelje, ki potrebujejo njegovo strokovno znanje.

Keywords:izzivi, šolsko svetovalno delo, spremembe, epidemija koronavirusa, administracija, psihične težave otrok
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Farkaš]
Number of pages:59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149047 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:189486083 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Growing challenges for councelling services in primary and secondary schools in the Municipality of Celje in the past five years
School counselling services are facing increasing challenges. Once mainly concerned with learning difficulties, but in the last five years, there has been a massive rise in the number of counselling services dealing with the increasingly complex problems of students and their families. In my master's thesis, I am exploring and, by reviewing the professional literature and conducting research in the area of the Municipality of Celje, aim to demonstrate and point out that counselling work has changed considerably in the last five years, and how; particularly impacted by the coronavirus epidemic. The problems and difficulties are many and varied, some of them requiring very in-depth knowledge and skills. During the epidemic, it has even become more apparent that counsellors need specific skills in the field of mental health. All these issues require much more commitment from counsellors than used to be necessary. Also, administrative work and work tasks not directly related to counselling take up many hours a week, which can put unnecessary stress on counsellors, making them feel incompetent and unfulfilled in relation to their students. The theoretical insights and findings of this research may provide new insights into school counselling. The master's thesis will contribute to the understanding of the (over)burden of counselling work and what counsellors need in order to be able to perform their tasks more competently. Most importantly, it will contribute to understanding how counselling work could return to its original function - that the counsellor is there solely for the students, their families and the teachers who need their expertise.

Keywords:challenges, school counselling, changes, coronavirus epidemic, administration, children's mental health issues

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