
Potrebe otrok in mater, ki prebivajo v varni hiši za ženske in otroke, žrtve nasilja : magistrsko delo
ID Ošep, Johana (Author), ID Zaletel, Katja (Author), ID Urek, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jurček, Anže (Comentor)

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Pomembno je, da se o tematiki nasilja v družini govori in ozavešča. Pogosto so žrtve nasilja prav ženske in otroci. V tem primeru so matere v ranljivem položaju, saj morajo poleg sebe zaščititi tudi svoje otroke. V primeru, da se ženske odločijo oditi iz nasilnega odnosa, so večinoma one tiste, ki se morajo umakniti in najti varno prebivališče zase ter za svoje otroke. Pogosto je prav varna hiša nastanitev, kamor se ženske in otroci, ki doživljajo nasilje, zatečejo. Varna hiša nudi ženskam in otrokom varno nastanitev, kjer živijo v varnem prostoru ter lahko tako tudi začnejo s procesom okrevanja po preživetem nasilju. Strokovne delavke v varni hiši nudijo ženskam in otrokom podporo ter raznovrstne oblike pomoči, s tem pa jim omogočajo proces okrevanja. Matere in otroci se po preživetem nasilju soočajo z različnimi posledicami nasilja. Za matere je obremenilno in stresno, saj se morajo poleg posledic nasilja pri sebi soočati tudi s posledicami nasilja pri svojih otrocih, oboji pa se morajo ob prihodu v varno hišo navajati na novo okolje, čakajo jih tudi dolgi postopki v različnih institucijah. V najinem magistrskem delu sva raziskovali, katere so potrebe mater in otrok, ki prebivajo v varni hiši za ženske in otroke, žrtve nasilja, kaj jim najbolj pomaga pri okrevanju, kaj jim varna hiša nudi in omogoča, s kakšnimi izzivi in problemi se strokovne delavke v varni hiši soočajo ter kaj bi potrebovali, da bi otrokom in materam omogočali boljše okrevanje. V najini raziskavi sva intervjuvali matere kot tudi strokovne delavke, saj sva tako prišli do bolj poglobljenih rezultatov in pridobili perspektivo dveh različnih skupin.

Keywords:nasilje nad ženskami, nasilje nad otroki, posledice nasilja, potrebe mater in otrok, varna hiša, strokovno delo, okrevanje, podpora in pomoč žrtvam nasilja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Ošep, K. Zaletel]
Number of pages:173 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149046 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:194191619 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The needs of children and mothers who have experienced abuse and are living in a safe house
It is important to talk and raise awareness about the topic of domestic violence. Often, the victims of violence are women and children, therefore mothers are in a vulnerable position because they must protect their children as well as themselves. If women decide to leave an abusive relationship, most of the time they are the ones who must leave and find a safe place to live for themselves and their children. Safe houses are often the place where women and children, who experience violence, can go to for shelter. A safe house provides women and children with a secure place to live and start the process of recovery from the violence they have experienced. The professional workers at the safe house offer women and children support and a variety of assistance, which allows mothers and children to start the healing process. Mothers and children who have experienced violence face different consequences of violence. For mothers, it is stressful and burdensome because they must deal with the effects of violence on their own as well as on their children. Both mothers and children must also adjust to a new environment when they arrive at the safe house, and they face long procedures in different institutions. In our master's thesis, we researched the needs of mothers and children who live in a safe house for women and children victims of violence, what helps them the most in their recovery, what the safe house offers and provides for them, what challenges and problems professional workers in the safe house face, and what they would need to provide better recovery for both mothers and children. In our study, we interviewed both mothers and professional workers, which allowed us to obtain more in-depth results and perspectives from two different groups.

Keywords:violence against women, violence against children, consequences of violence, needs of mothers and children, safe house, professional work, recovery, support and help for victims of violence

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