
Oblikovanje kolekcije živih oblačil
ID Zupanc, Maja (Author), ID Fajt, Elena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu z naslovom Oblikovanje kolekcije živih oblačil prikazujem nastajanje in izvedbo kolekcije in kampanje Livingclothes. Cilj diplomske naloge je spodbuditi ljudi h kritičnem razmišljanju o odnosu do narave ter jih opomniti, kako ključno je življenje v sožitju z naravo, če želimo ohraniti okolje, v katerem živimo, tudi za naslednje generacije. Pri praktičnem delu sem izbrala dve vrsti semen hidroponik, nerazkuženo pšenico falado in gladkolistno krešo. Semena sem kalila na organskem bombažu in jih vsak dan zalivala, da so korenine semen pognale v bombaž in ga premrežile. Tako so se rastline in tekstilije spojili ter ustvarili živ tekstilni material, ki je postal ključni element kolekcije živih oblačil. Zasnovala sem torej kolekcijo biorazgradljivih živih oblačil. Skozi celoten proces sem sledila načelom trajnosti. Ljudi sem želela pozvati k razumevanju trajnosti in biorazgradljivosti skozi živa oblačila, ki kličejo po kritičnem premisleku o tem, kaj nosimo in kakšno sled puščamo generacijam za seboj. Izdelala sem tri silhuete oblačil ter z njimi stopala v interakcijo z ljudmi. Postavila sem jih v mesto in na sprehod po ulicah. Razultati so bili odlični, kolekcija pa je pritegnila veliko zanimanja mimoidočih. Želela sem nasloviti čim večje množice, zato sem se odločila projekt zasnovati kot kampanjo. V prihodnosti želim nadaljevati idejo o živih oblačilih, tudi ko bodo živa oblačila v svojem življenjskem ciklu že razgrajena pod zemljo in bodo tako nudila prostor novemu življenju.

Keywords:živa oblačila, kaljenje, trajnost, narava, performans, biorazgradljivost, kampanja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149041 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2023
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Title:Designing a collection of living clothes
In my graduate collection, titled Designing a collection of living clothes, I describe the development and the execution behind the collection and its campaign. I was researching what can we as a society change, in order to have a better quality of life, and to live in a stronger harmony with nature. Because I wanted to convey the message of returning to coexistence with nature, I decided to design this project as a campaign. The main goal of the campaign Living clothes, is to encourage people to re-think their relationships with nature and to start acting accordingly to the principles of modern sustainability. The campaign shows how I combined textiles with living plants. The two different types of hydroponic seeds used were; uninfected Falado and smooth-leaved cress. Seeds grew into organic cotton and created a living textile material that became the key element of the living clothing collection. The collection, follows the principles of sustainability throughout the entire process and presents 100% biodegradable clothes. While reaching out to people was easier in person, the idea was to present the collection of living clothes in the old city center of Ljubljana, to connect with the most passing people. I designed three clothing silhouettes, that were used to interact with the passing people. The performance raised awareness of organicity and biodegradability, through living clothes that call for a critical reflection on what we wear today, and what kind of trace we leave behind. Despite the fact that clothes will someday be decomposed, the idea of the Living clothes will goes on, while there will be a safe place for another life.

Keywords:livingtextile, sprout, nature, sustainability, performance, biodegradable, campaign

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