
Strategije soočanja s stresom in partnerski odnos - primer Centrov za socialno delo : diplomsko delo
ID Logar, Meta (Author), ID Mesec, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tema doživljanja stresa je vedno bolj aktualna, prav tako tema strategij soočanja s stresom. Precej manj se govori o uspešnosti strategij in dejavnikih za uspešnost, o slednjih je govorila le ena raziskava. Eden izmed dejavnikov je odpornost posameznika, njen sestavni člen pa so med drugim varni odnosi, zato sem se odločila raziskati povezavo med strategijami soočanja s stresom in maritalnim statusom posameznika. Kot pomemben vir opore pri soočanju s stresom mnogi avtorji naštevajo tudi partnerja oz. partnerski odnos. Zato sem preverila, ali obstaja povezava med kakovostjo partnerskega odnosa in strategijami soočanja s stresom. Moji hipotezi sta bili tako sledeči: (1) obstaja statistično pomembna razlika med nivojem zaznanega stresa glede na maritalni status posameznika (samski/-a, v dolgotrajni zvezi, poročen/-a oz. v sklenjeni partnerski zvezi, ločen/-a, ovdovel/-a) in (2) višja stopnja kvalitete partnerskega odnosa pozitivneje korelira z izbiro funkcionalnih strategij soočanja s stresom kot z disfunkcionalnimi. Hkrati višja stopnja kvalitete partnerskega odnosa slabše korelira z izbiro disfunkcionalnih strategij. Raziskava je kvantitativna, metoda zbiranja podatkov je spletna anketa. Merski instrument je sestavljen iz štirih drugih vprašalnikov, ki so že preverjeni in zanesljivi, pridobila sem jih na spletu, za potrebe diplomskega dela pa sem jih dala prevesti iz angleščine v slovenščino. Moja preučevana populacija so zaposleni na centrih za socialno delo v Sloveniji v februarju in marcu leta 2023, osipek sestavlja 186 oseb znotraj populacije, ki so v celoti izpolnile vprašalnik. Zbrane podatke sem analizirala s pomočjo programa SPSS 27. Analiza podatkov je pokazala, da se stopnja zaznanega stresa ne razlikuje glede na maritalni status, je pa povezana z zadovoljstvom v odnosu (višja stopnja zadovoljstva pozitivno korelira z nižjo stopnjo zaznanega stresa). Prav tako so z zadovoljstvom v partnerskem odnosu povezane strategije soočanja s stresom. Bolj kot so osebe v svojem partnerskem odnosu zadovoljne, pogosteje v stresnih situacijah uporabijo strategije iskanja čustvene podpore ter obračanja k drugim po nasvet in pomoč, redkeje pa strategije opuščanja dosedanjega vedenja (odnehajo nad svojimi prizadevanji) in samoobtoževanja. Rezultati so pokazali, da osebe z višjo odpornostjo pogosteje uporabljajo funkcionalne strategije soočanja s stresom (aktivno soočanje, iskanje čustvene podpore, pozitivno interpretiranje, načrtovanje, religijo, sprejemanje situacije) in redkeje disfunkcionalne strategije (opuščanje dosedanjega vedenja in samoobtoževanje) kot osebe z nižjo stopnjo odpornosti.

Keywords:doživljanje stresa, strategije soočanja s stresom, maritalni status, zadovoljstvo v partnerskem odnosu, odpornost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Logar]
Number of pages:55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149036 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:203852803 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Coping strategies for stress and relationship - case study of social work centers
The topic of experiencing stress is increasingly topical, as is the topic of coping strategies. There is much less talk about the effectiveness of strategies and success factors, with only one study on the latter. One of the factors is individual resilience, and one of the components of resilience is secure relationships, so I decided to investigate the link between coping strategies and marital status. Many authors also cite the partner as an important source of support in coping with stress. Therefore, I examined whether there is a link between the quality of the partner relationship and coping strategies. My hypotheses were that (1) there is a statistically significant difference between the level of perceived stress according to the marital status of the individual (single, in a long-term relationship, married or concluded partnership, divorced, widowed) and (2) a higher level of partner relationship quality correlates more positively with the choice of functional coping strategies than dysfunctional coping strategies. At the same time, higher levels of partner relationship quality correlate less well with the choice of dysfunctional strategies. The research design is quantiitative, the data collection method is an online survey. The measuring instrument consists of four other questionnaires, which are already validated and reliable, I obtained them online and had them translated from English into Slovenian for the purposes of the thesis. My study population is the employees of social work centres in Slovenia in February and March 2023, the dropout population consists of 186 persons within the population who fully completed the questionnaire. I analysed the collected data using SPSS 27. The data analysis showed that the level of perceived stress does not differ according to marital status, but is related to relationship satisfaction (higher levels of satisfaction positively correlate with lower levels of perceived stress). Coping strategies are also related to partner relationship satisfaction. The more satisfied people are in their relationship, the more often they use the strategies of seeking emotional support and turning to others for advice and help in stressful situations, and the less often they use the strategies of abandoning previous behaviour (giving up on their efforts) and self-blame. The results showed that those with higher resilience were more likely to use functional coping strategies (active coping, seeking emotional support, positive interpretation, planning, religion, acceptance of the situation) and less likely to use dysfunctional coping strategies (abandoning previous behaviour and self-blame) than those with lower resilience.

Keywords:experiencing stress, coping strategies, marital status, partner relationship satisfaction, resilience

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