
Izkušnje hospitalizacije uporabnikov društva Ozara Izola : diplomsko delo
ID Tosić, Žana (Author), ID Urek, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kljub temu da smo v 21. stoletju, duševno zdravje ostaja tema, o kateri se premalo govori. Še težje pa je spregovoriti, ko gre za lastno izkušnjo, ker družba osebe, ki ima težave v duševnem zdravju, ne sprejema. V svoji raziskavi sem zato želela dati glas osebam, ki se s težavami v duševnem zdravju spopadajo bodisi sami bodisi s podporo družine, prijateljev. Ker je duševno zdravje velik del vsakega posameznika, je pomembno, da se o tem govori, ozavešča in da se navsezadnje posamezniku, ki ima težave na tem področju, ponudita podpora in pomoč. Ravno s tem namenom deluje tudi društvo Ozara. Sama sem se osredotočila na uporabnike enote Izola, ker je to edina enota, ki deluje na območju, kjer živim. V diplomskem delu raziskujem, kaj duševna kriza za uporabnike sploh pomeni, kako jo doživljajo in preživljajo, kakšne so njihove izkušnje s hospitalizacijo in ali je to edina rešitev v času krize. Raziskovala sem tudi, kako uporabniki občutijo stigmo, kako se z njo spopadajo in kako vidijo vlogo socialne delavke pred hospitalizacijo in v procesu po njej. V teoretičnem delu so zajete naslednje teme: duševno zdravje, duševne krize, društvo Ozara in skupina za samopomoč, hospitalizacija, neprostovoljna hospitalizacija, pa tudi stigma ter posledice hospitalizacije. V empiričnem delu predstavim metodologijo izvedene raziskave, nato pa zajamem še rezultate raziskave, pridobljene s pomočjo delno standardiziranih intervjujev. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 5 oseb, in sicer članov društva Ozara – enota Izola. Rezultati so pokazali, da hospitalizacija ni edina rešitev v času krize, ne glede na to pa imajo uporabniki, ki so bili kadarkoli hospitalizirani, dobro izkušnjo. Uporabniki občutijo stigmo s strani okolice, vendar pa se večina s tem ne obremenjuje. Pozitivno izkušnjo imajo tudi s skupinami za samopomoč in pa s socialno delavko v društvu Ozara – enota Izola, ki jo opisujejo kot izjemno delavko z ogromno znanja in koristnimi nasveti.

Keywords:duševno zdravje, duševne krize, hospitalizacija, stigma, društvo Ozara – enota Izola, skupine za samopomoč
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Tosić]
Number of pages:46 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149033 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:204349699 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Hospitalization experiences of Ozara association unit Izola users
Despite being in the 21st century, mental helath remains an under-discussed topic. It is even more difficult to speak up when it comes to your own experience, because society does not accept a person with menal health problems. In my research, I therefore wanted to give a voice to people, who struggle with mental health problems either alone or with the support of family and friends. As mental health is big part of every individual, it is important to talk about it, raise awareness and ultimately offer support and help to the individual, who has problems in mental health. The Ozara association also works with this aim in mind. I myself focused on the users of the Izola unit, because this is the only unit in the area where I live. In my thesis, I research what a mental crisis means for users, how they experience it and survive it, what are their experiences with hospitalization and whether this is the only solution in times of crisis. I also researched how users feel stigma, how they deal with it and how they see the role of the social worker before hospitalization and in the proces after it. The following topics are covered in the theoretical part: mental health, mental crises, Ozara association and self-help group, hospitalization, involuntary hospitalization, as well as stigma and the consequences of hospitalization. In the empirical part, I present the methodology of the conducted research and then I also capture the results of the research obtained with the help of partially standardized interviews. 5 people participated in the research, namely members of the Ozara association – unit Izola. The results showed hospitalization is not the only solution in times of crisis, but regardless, users who have been hospitalized have a good experience. Uses feel stigmatized by society, but most not bother with it. They also have a positive experience with self-help groups and with a social worker in the Ozara association - Izola unit, who they describe as an exeptional workes with a lot of knowledge and useful advice.

Keywords:mental health, mental crisis, hospitalization, stigma, Ozara association – unit Izola, self-help group

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