
Opozarjanje na podnebne spremembe skozi serijo fotografij
ID Praprotnik, Tisa (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bilo skozi fotografsko serijo in nastisnjen zin ozavestiti podnebno problematiko. Objekt na fotografijah so bile mrtve korale iz Tajske, ki smo jih skozi umetniški proces barvanja s tempera barvami poskušali oživeti, vendar se nam ta poskus ni posrečil. Ob ponovnem stiku z vodo, ko smo jih postavili v akvarij, so se barve začele raztapljati. S serijo fotografij procesa smo želeli ustvariti vizualno zgodbo, ki opozarja na škodo, ki jo ekosistemi doživljajo, ko se korale belijo oz. umirajo. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej izpostavili osnove digitalne in podvodne fotografije. Raziskali smo kompozicijo – od formatov in zlatega reza, do pozitivnega in negativnega prostora. Dotaknili smo se zgodovine režirane fotografije in njen vpliv v 21. stoletju. Izpostavili smo vlogo fotografije kot komunikacijskega sredstva za opozarjanje na podnebne spremembe ter njene začetke, namen in motive. Predstavili smo začetke zinov in njihov vpliv v družbi, še posebej okoljevarstvenih zinov. V eksperimentalnem delu smo naprej ustvarili fotografije na tematiko okoljevarstva. Kot poskus smo izvedli fotografiranje s tremi razičnimi napravami. Najuspešnejše fotografije, posnete z eno napravo, smo oblikovali v zin, ki služi kot potujoča in informativna razstava. Za obdelavo fotografij smo uporabili programa Adobe Photoshop in Adobe Lightroom, za izdelavo in oblikovanje zina pa Adobe InDesign in Adobe Illustrator. Ugotovili smo, da je zrcalnorefleksni fotoaparat najboljša izbira za fotografiranje, saj smo z njim zajeli najvišjo kakovosti fotografij, ter da sta akvarij in moder papir ustvarila vizualni učinek, kot da smo pod vodo. Končna izdelka sta serija fotografij in zin.

Keywords:fotografija, zin, okoljevarstvo, korale, kompozicija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149030 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Raising awareness about climate change through series of photographs
The aim of the thesis was to raise awareness about climate issues through a photo series and a printed zine. The subject of the photographs were dead corals from Thailand, which we tried to bring back to life through the artistic process of painting them with tempera paints. In this attempt, we were unsuccessful. When we put the corals back in the aquarium, the colours started to dissolve when they came into contact with water. Through a series of photographs that documents this process, we aimed to create a visual story that highlights the damage ecosystems suffer when corals are bleached and die. In the theoretical part, we first covered the basics of digital and underwater photography. We explored composition – from formats and the golden section, to positive and negative space. We touched upon the history of staged photography and its influence in the 21st century. We highlighted the importance of photography as a means of communicating and drawing attention to climate change, as well as its origins, purpose and motives. We presented the origins of zines and their impact in society, particularly environmental zines. In the experimental part, we first created photographs on the theme of environmentalism. As an experiment, we used three different photographic devices. The most successful photographs taken with one device were designed into a zine, which serves as a travelling and informative exhibition. We used Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom to process the photos, and Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator to create and design the zine. Our final products are a series of photographs and a zine.

Keywords:photography, zine, environmental, corals, composition

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