
Oblikovno obločno navarjanje TIG s hladno in vročo žico
ID Levstik, Klemen (Author), ID Klobčar, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Trdan, Uroš (Comentor)

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Uporaba aditivnih tehnologij je v stalnem porastu, saj omogoča izdelavo vedno bolj kompleksnih izdelkov. Poleg tega pa v primerjavi s konvencionalnimi postopki odrezavanja omogoča velike finančne prihranke zaradi manjše uporabe materiala. V diplomskem delu smo uporabljali oblikovno obločno navarjanje z uporabo robotske celice po postopku TIG, ki se v industriji še ne uporablja veliko. V začetni fazi smo izvedli preliminarne teste, kjer smo preizkušali različne parametre in določili najprimernejše parametre za navarjanje sten, iz katerih smo izrezali vzorce. Nato smo izvedli vse potrebne teste in analize, ki smo jih podrobno ovrednotili. Rezultati opravljenih analiz so potrdili, da se trdota materiala ne spreminja. Ugotovili smo, da horizontalni vzorci absorbirajo 42 % (96,6 J proti 166 J) manj energije kot vertikalni pri preizkusu udarne žilavosti in imajo 20 % (174,8 MPa proti 150,3 MPa) višjo mejo plastičnosti pri nateznem preizkusu. Vertikalni vzorci dosežejo 14 % (5,85 kN proti 4,67 kN) višjo maksimalno silo in imajo 312 % (12,81 mm proti 4,19 mm) višji maksimalni raztezek.

Keywords:varjenje TIG z vročo in hladno žico, AISI 304, natezna trdnost, udarna žilavost, robotsko navarjanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149020 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2023
LEVSTIK, Klemen, 2023, Oblikovno obločno navarjanje TIG s hladno in vročo žico [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:TIG wire arc additive manufacturing with cold and warm wire
Usage of additive manufacturing is constantly increasing, as it enables the production of increasingly complex products. In addition, it lowers production costs due to reduced material use, when compared to conventional cutting processes. The experiments for this bachelor’s thesis were carried out using a robotic welding cell for TIG arc welding, which is not yet widely used in industry. The initial phase consisted of preliminary examinations for testing various parameters and determining the most suitable ones for welding multiple layers of welds, from which the samples were cut. The next phase consisted of analyzing and examining the samples and evaluating the results. The results of the analyses confirmed that the hardness of the material did not change. Furthermore, the horizontal samples absorbed 42 % (96,6 J vs 166 J) less energy than the vertical ones during the impact toughness test, and they had a 20 % (174,8 MPa vs 150,3 MPa) higher plasticity limit during the tensile test. The vertical patterns achieved a 14 % (5,85 kN vs 4,67 kN) higher maximum force and had a 312 % (12,81mm vs 4,19mm) higher maximum elongation.

Keywords:TIG welding with hot and cold wire, AISI 304, tensile strength, impact strength, robotic additive manufacturing

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