
Vpliv gravitacije na 3D tisk po metodi nalaganja s spajanjem slojev
ID Šobar, Filip (Author), ID Pušavec, Franci (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaključna naloga obravnava problem potrate sredstev zaradi uporabe podpor pri tridimenzionalnem tiskanju. Raziskali smo tisk na glavo kot eno od možnosti tiska brez podpornih struktur. Primerjali smo ga z normalnim tiskom, da bi ugotovili vpliv gravitacije. Najprej smo preverili delovanje tiskalnika v različnih orientacijah in ugotovili, da je tisk mogoč pod vsakim naklonom. Nato smo s pomočjo tiskalnika natisnili več preizkusnih izdelkov, ki so omogočali primerjavo med tiskoma v normalni in obratni orientaciji. Zasnovali smo izdelke, ki so za normalni tisk potrebovali podpore. Tisk na glavo je bil uspešno izveden brez uporabe podpornih struktur. Prikazali smo možnost uporabe takega tiska, saj omogoča tisk končnih prototipov brez potrebe po naknadni obdelavi. Ugotovili smo, da je s tiskom v obratni orientaciji mogoče doseči kakovostne izdelke brez uporabe podpornih struktur. Takšni izdelki imajo, ob prihranku stroškov, zahtevane strukturne in mehanske lastnosti.

Keywords:3D tiskanje, aditivne tehnologije, tehnologije FDM, PLA - polimlečna kislina, podporne strukture, obratno tiskanje, izboljšava proizvodnje
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[F. Šobar]
Number of pages:XI, 36 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149012 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:163590659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2023
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Title:The effect of gravity on FDM-based 3D printing
The final thesis addreses the issue of waste of resources due to the use of supports in 3D printing. We explored the concept of upside-down printing as one of the options for printing without support structures. We compared it to normal printing to determine the effect of gravity. Firstly, we examined the funcionality of the printer in different orientations and found that printing was feasible at any angle. Than, using the printer, we produced several test objects that allowed us to compare the results between normal and upside-down printing orientations. We designed objects that required supports for normal printing, and successfully executed upside-down printing without the need for support structures. We demonstrated the possibility of this printing technique, as it enables the production of final prototypes without the need for post-processing. Our findings revealed that quality products with the desired structural and mechanical properties can be achieved through upside-down printing, while also reducing costs.

Keywords:3D printing, additive technologies, FDM printing, PLA – polylactic acid, support structures, upside down printing, production improvement

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